Soft Circuits: LED Feelings Pizza

Contributors: Chelsea the Destroyer
Favorited Favorite 4

The Recipe

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Here is a wishlist of the electronic components needed to follow along with this tutorial:

You will also need:

  • Felt pizza bits (I used wool felt from a craft supply store - I cut the pieces with a laser cutter but you can cut the pizza and toppings out by hand; felt is very easy to work with):
    • two triangles for the front and back of the pizza (so we can hide the circuitry between them); one yellow for cheese, and one brown for the crust
    • one crust-colored piece to go across the top of the front
    • toppings of choice: I made mushrooms, green and black olives, and red, heart-shaped pepperonis (these are the only ones that really matter for this project, since the hearts will be the part that lights up)
  • fabric glue or hot glue to attach toppings