RFID Beginners Tutorial
Brandon J. Williams
Resources and Going Further
This tutorial is just a first step into making a larger RFID project. Stay tuned for a more advanced tutorial to expand beyond just reading data in a serial monitor.
In the meantime, please feel free to visit more RFID tutorials and learn new skils:
SparkFun RFID Starter Kit Hookup Guide
Learn the basics of how to get started with the SparkFun RFID Starter Kit.
Simultaneous RFID Tag Reader Hookup Guide
A basic guide to getting started with the RFID Tag Reader breakout and how to read and write multiple RFID tags over multiple feet!
SparkFun Qwiic RFID-IDXXLA Hookup Guide
The Qwiic RFID ID-XXLA is an I2C solution that pairs with the ID-LA modules: ID-3LA, the ID-12LA, or the ID-20LA, and utilizes 125kHz RFID chips. Let's take a look at the hardware used for this tutorial.
RFID Beginners Tutorial
Make a remote work logger using an RFID reader and a GPS module. Scan a card and get ID, location, and time. All the perfect data to punch in and punch out from the middle of Nowhere!