RED-V Development Guide
Examples (Zephyr RTOS)
Examples: Hello World
Phew, that's all done. Now we can move to the directory that was earlier created when we ran west init zephyrproject and build a project.
cd .. cd zephyrproject/zephyr west build -b hifive1_revb samples/hello_world
We can now check to make sure our RED-V is connected. You should see a SEGGER device pop up when you run lsusb. If it's connected, go ahead and run west flash. Note that this may take a couple of tries, sometimes it helps to give the ol' reset button a tap or two and try again.
west flash
What You Should See
Once uploaded, try opening a serial terminal to connect to the RED-V. Let's use the GNU screen. If you don't have it installed yet, type the following in the command line.
sudo apt-get install screen
There are two serial ports that the RED-V enumerates to when inserted into the USB port. Type the following command to view the serial ports connected.
dmesg | grep tty
Unplug and replug the RED-V to your USB port and type the command again. The messages that appear multiple times will be the RED-V. In this case, it should either be ttyACM0 or ttyACM1.
Connect to one of the ports using the following command set at 115200 baud.
screen /dev/ttyACM0 115200
Since the example code only prints the message once, we'll need to hit the reset button once on the RED-V. You should see something similar to the Hello Wold example in Freedom Studio.
Bench Clock Reset Complete ATE0--> Send Flag error: #255 #255 #255 #255 AT+BLEINIT=0--> Send Flag error: #255 #255 #255 #255 AT+CWMODE=0--> Send Flag error: #255 #255 #255 #255 ***** Booting Zephyr OS build v2.1.0-rc1-259-g77006e896ba0 ***** Hello, World! hifive1_revb
To disconnect CTRL + A and then \. You'll be asked by the application if you would like to exit. Type y and ENTER to exit the session.
If you want to build a different project, simply delete the build directory using the following command to delete the folder. Then run west build again for your other project.
rm -rv build/
For those that prefer the GUI, just head to the folder and to manually delete.
Examples: Blinky
Let's try to control the build-in LED on the RED-V. Head to the blink example and modify for GPIO pin 5.
cd ~/zephyrproject/zephyr/samples/basic/blinky/src gedit main.c
You can also navigate to the example using the GUI to open the blink example.
Once the modified.c file is open, change the definition for LED
to 5
. We'll need to use the GPIO pin reference for the FE310 as opposed to the silkscreen label on the RED-V. You can also copy and paste the following into the file.
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Intel Corporation * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ /* 1000 msec = 1 sec */ void main(void) { u32_t cnt = 0; struct device *dev; dev = device_get_binding(LED_PORT); /* Set LED pin as output */ gpio_pin_configure(dev, LED, GPIO_DIR_OUT); while (1) { /* Set pin to HIGH/LOW every 1 second */ gpio_pin_write(dev, LED, cnt % 2); cnt++; k_sleep(SLEEP_TIME); } }
After changing, save the changes and hit CTRL+C in the terminal window. Head back to the zephyr folder to delete the build folder if you have not already. Then recompile the blink example and flash it to your RED-V board.
cd ~/zephyrproject/zephyr/ rm -rv build/ west build -b hifive1_revb samples/basic/blinky west flash
What You Should See
Check the built-in LED on the RED-V board. You should see the build-in LED blink every second!