Reaction Timer

Contributors: Nate
Favorited Favorite 11


The code that runs the reaction timer is very straight forward. We simply illuminate a light and wait for the user to press the button. Download and install the example sketch.

A timer counts how many milliseconds it requires for the (slow, slow) human to respond. And, because we don't want the human to cheat, we pick a random amount of time before we turn on the light.

Note: This example assumes you are using the latest version of the Arduino IDE on your desktop. If this is your first time using Arduino, please review our tutorial on installing the Arduino IDE.

If you have not previously installed an Arduino library, please check out our installation guide.

 Reaction Timer for the World of Wonder Childrens museum in Lafayette, CO
 By: Nathan Seidle (SparkFun Electronics)
 Date: May 6th, 2013
 This code is public domain but you buy me a beer if you use this and we meet someday (Beerware license).

 How to play:
 The button will be pulsing with light. Pressing the button will cause the light to turn off and the game will begin.
 After a few seconds of darkness, the light will light up and the user must press the button as fast as they can.
 Their reaction time is displayed on a 7 segment display.

 If the user presses the button before it is illuminated the display will show '-Err' to indicate error.


#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial segmentDisplay(3, 2); //RX, TX to the OpenSegment display

int LED = 9;
int button = 7;

long timeDiff; //Global variable keeps track of your score
int idleLoops = 0;

String gameTime; //Contains the last game time
int gamesPlayed; //Contains the total number of games played for the life of the device

//These functions allow the LED to be really bright when on, and
//just barely on when the game is in idle mode
#define LEDON() analogWrite(LED, 255)
#define LEDLOW() analogWrite(LED, 10)
#define LEDOFF() analogWrite(LED, 0)

void setup()

    pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
    LEDOFF(); //Turn off LED

    pinMode(button, INPUT_PULLUP);

    randomSeed(analogRead(A1)); //Get noise to seed the random number generator

    segmentDisplay.begin(9600); //Talk to the Serial7Segment at 9600 bps
    segmentDisplay.write('v'); //Reset the display - this forces the cursor to return to the beginning of the display


void loop()
    if(digitalRead(button) == LOW)
        idleLoops = 0;

    pulseTheButton(); //If no one is playing, pulse LED to intice them. Function takes 6 seconds to complete.

    if(idleLoops > 9) //Play a screen saver every 60 seconds.
        scrollTitle(); //Screen saver = display title
        idleLoops = 0;

void playGame()
    segmentDisplay.write('v'); //Reset the display

    delay(25); //Debounce the button a bit

    while(digitalRead(button) == LOW) ; //Wait for user to stop hitting button

    LEDLOW(); //Turn LED on low to indicate the beginning of the game

    //Get random number of milliseconds
    long lightTime = random(2000, 3500); //From 2 to 3.5 seconds

    long zeroTime = millis();

    while(millis() - zeroTime < lightTime) //Wait for random amount of time to go by
        //If the user hits the button in this time then error out (cheater!)
        if(digitalRead(button) == LOW)
            segmentDisplay.write('v'); //Reset the display

    //Begin game
    long beginTime = millis(); //Record this as the beginning of the test

    //Wait for user to hit the button
    while(digitalRead(button) == HIGH)
        //Check to see if the user fails to respond in 10 seconds
        timeDiff = millis() - beginTime;
        if(timeDiff > 9999)
            timeDiff = 9999;
            segmentDisplay.write('v'); //Reset the display

    gameTime = String(timeDiff);

    //Right adjust the time
    if(timeDiff < 10)
        gameTime = "   " + gameTime;
    else if(timeDiff < 100)
        gameTime = "  " + gameTime;
    else if(timeDiff < 1000)
        gameTime = " " + gameTime;

    segmentDisplay.write('v'); //Reset the display
    segmentDisplay.print(gameTime); //Display the game time

    Serial.print("Reaction time:");

    blinkButton(); //Blink the LED to indicate the end of the game

    //Record that we have played this game
    Serial.print("This time played:");

    //After the game is complete, the display will show the gameTime for awhile

//If there is no game going on, pulse the LED on/off
//If the user ever presses the button then return immediately
//This function takes approximately 6 seconds to complete
void pulseTheButton(void)
    //Fade LED on
    for(int fadeValue = 0 ; fadeValue <= 255; fadeValue += 5)
        if(digitalRead(button) == LOW) return;

        analogWrite(LED, fadeValue);

    //Fade LED off
    for(int fadeValue = 255 ; fadeValue >= 0; fadeValue -= 5)
        if(digitalRead(button) == LOW) return;

        analogWrite(LED, fadeValue);

    //Turn LED off for awhile
    for(int x = 0 ; x < 100 ; x++)
        if(digitalRead(button) == LOW) return;

        analogWrite(LED, 0);

//Quickly blinks to button indicating the end of a game
void blinkButton()
    for(int x = 0 ; x < 7 ; x++)

//Quickly scrolls the title across the display
void scrollTitle()
    String titleStr = String("    reaction speed    ");

    for(int x = 0 ; x < titleStr.length() - 4 ; x++)
        String tempStr = titleStr.substring(x, x + 4); //Chop out four letters from the string

        segmentDisplay.write('v'); //Reset the display
        segmentDisplay.print(tempStr); //Display this substring

        for(int y = 0 ; y < 25 ; y++)
            if(digitalRead(button) == LOW) return; //If the button is pressed, bail!

    segmentDisplay.write('v'); //Reset the display
    segmentDisplay.print(gameTime); //Display the last game time

Load this code onto the RedBoard, and open the terminal at 115200bps. You should see a series of debug statements such as 'Games Played' and 'Err!'.