Night Sky Halloween Costume
Materials and Tools
Let's go over all of the things you'll need to sew your project together.
Items required for the Night Sky Costume:
Night Sky Costume
Note: To make the LEDs a little bit more bright, you could use a LiPo battery and a LilyPad Simple Power in place of the two LilyPad battery holders. This can reduce the amount of battery holders and coin cells attached to the project. Additionally, the project can be recharged.
You Will Also Need:
- Cape Pattern (or any garment pattern of your liking)
- Denim Fabric for Lining (yardage based on pattern requirements)
- Galaxy Printed Fabric (yardage based on pattern requirements)
- Sewing Machine
- Navy or Black Thread
- Hot Glue Gun w/ Extra Hot Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- Pins
- Sewing Needles
- Glow-in-the-Dark Puff Paint
- Iron-on Adhesive
- Clothing Iron
- Colored Pencils in White, Red, and Yellow