MicroView Hookup Guide

Contributors: Joel_E_B, Marcus Schappi
Favorited Favorite 8

Example 4 - Drawing Bitmaps

This last example shows how to draw bitmap images to the MicroView. This is useful for creating splash screens of company logos, making sprites or just creating fun graphics for displaying information.

Before we can call the drawBitmap() function, we first need an image to draw. Remember, the screen resolution on the MicroView is 64x48 pixels, so images larger than that will not display correctly. To get a correctly sized image, there are a few methods:

  1. Create a blank image in your favorite drawing program (Inkscape, Photoshop, Paint, etc.), setting the canvas size to 64x48 pixels. You can then draw your image by hand.
  2. Find an appropriately sized image on the Internet.
  3. Use a program to take an image and convert it to a bitmap.

Detailed instruction on how to make bitmap images is beyond the scope of this tutorial.

Once you have a bitmap, it's time to convert it into an array that the MicroView can understand. You can use programs such as LCD Assitant (Windows only) or this homebrew conversion program (any OS that runs processing), created by SparkFun customer George Beckstein to convert your image into an array. With your array created, paste it into your code. Be sure to name it appropriately. Then call your array inside the drawBitmap() function.

#include <MicroView.h>

// File generated by LCD Assistant
// http://en.radzio.dxp.pl/bitmap_converter/
//This is the array that holds the Bitmap image. The easiest way to convert a bmp
//to an array is to use the LCD Assistant linked above. 
uint8_t bender [] = {
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void setup() {


void loop() {

Once this is uploaded, you should be greeted by a familiar fictional character.

There are several other example sketches included with the MicroView library. Try loading some of these other examples and figuring out what the code is doing.
