MicroMod Qwiic Pro Kit Project Guide

Contributors: bboyho
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Hardware Hookup

If you have not already, make sure to check out the Getting Started with MicroMod: Hardware Hookup for information on inserting your Processor Board to your Carrier Board. The MicroMod Qwiic Carrier Board Hookup Guide also goes over how to connect the boards together as well!

Getting Started with MicroMod

October 21, 2020
Dive into the world of MicroMod - a compact interface to connect a microcontroller to various peripherals via the M.2 Connector!

Remove the screw across from the MicroMod Qwiic Carrier Board - Single. Then insert the MicroMod SAMD51 Processor Board into the M.2 socket. The Processor Board will stick up at an angle (at around 25°), as seen here.

MicroMod SAMD51 Processor Board Inserted M.2 Socket

Hold the board down and tighten the screw with a Philip's head.

Tighten Screw

Once connected, your board should be secured to the MicroMod Qwiic Carrier Board - Single like the image shown below.

SAMD51 Secure in MicroMod Qwiic Carrier Board's M.2 Socket

Insert the Qwiic cable of your choice between each to each of the boards. You can daisy chain the boards any way you like. However, we found it easier to control the 9DoF's accelerometer by having it at the end and connecting a longer Qwiic cable. Depending on the player, you will need to orient the 9DoF's accelerometer with respect to the paddle. The vertical and horizontal Qwiic connectors also connect to the same port so you can connect to either one. We also found it easier to connect the Qwiic Distance Sensor with VCNL4040 to the other end as well. Then connect the USB cable between your computer and MicroMod Qwiic Carrier Board - Single.

MicroMod Qwiic Pro Kit Connected

Mounting Qwiic Boards to the Standoffs

You can also mount the Qwiic Micro OLED breakout to the end of the two standoffs as shown below. Remove the yellow tape that is covering the mounting holes. Align the mounting hole with the standoffs. Insert a 4-40 screw between the Qwiic Micro OLED's mounting hole and tighten. You'll need to use some elbow grease to drive each 4-40 screw into the standoffs since they are slightly offset. Make sure to be careful with the Qwiic connector that is closest to the mounting holes. The height of the standoffs and the position of the connector can make the connector push against the end of the Qwiic Carrier Board - Single. However, it was enough to hold the display down.

MicroMod Qwiic Pro Kit Connected with Micro OLED Breakout Mounted

We recommend not mounting the Qwiic Distance Sensor, Qwiic Joystick, and Qwiic 9DoF so that users that are sitting across from each other are able to control their paddle on their side without getting in the way of the display.