MicroMod Alorium Sno M2 Processor Board Hookup Guide

Contributors: Member #798807, Ell C
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Example 1: Blink

With the Sno Processor Board inserted into the M.2 slot and secured, plug your ATP board to your computer with a USB cable. Make sure you have the correct Board, FPGA Image, Upload Action, and Port as you see below.

Sno M2 board selected, 16MHz FPGA Image, and Send sketch to Snow M2 USB, are selected

Click on image for a closer view.

Go to Tools > Board and select the Sno M.2. Then go to File > Examples > 01. Basics and select Blink.

Select the Blink Example from the basics menu

Click on image for a closer view.

Upload the sketch as you see here:

Smash that upload button

Click on image for a closer view.

If all goes well, you should see something like the gif below:

LED on the processor board should be blinking