Making Music with the FreeSoC2

Contributors: Nick Poole
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Resources and Going Further

Hopefully you enjoyed this project write-up! We're just scraping the surface of the FreeSoC's capabilities here so feel free to improve on this project and tell us all about your build!

FreeSoC2 Resources

For more audio related fun, check out these other SparkFun tutorials:

Getting Started with the LilyPad MP3 Player

The LilyPad MP3 Player is an amazing little board that contains almost everything you need to play audio files. You can use it to create all kinds of noisy projects, from MP3 hoodies to talking teddy bears. Your imagination is the only limit! This tutorial will help you get started.

WAV Trigger Hookup Guide V11

An introduction to being able to trigger music and sound effects based on buttons, sensors, or switches using the WAV Trigger board.

SIK Keyboard Instrument

We can use the parts and concepts in the SparkFun Invetor's Kit to make a primitive keyboard instrument.

MicroMod Artemis Processor Board Hookup Guide

Get started with the Artemis MicroMod Processor Board in this tutorial!