Making Music with the FreeSoC2

Contributors: Nick Poole
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Hardware Overview

Before I show you what's going on in PSoC Creator, let's take a look at what I have hooked up to the FreeSoC2 board:

PSoC Schematic

The diagram above lays out the connections so that you can trace them visually, but here's how it breaks down:

  • Pins 5.0 - 5.7 are connected through eight pushbuttons to ground.
  • Pins 3.6 and 3.7 are connected to the wipers of two potentiometers.
  • Pin 4.1 is connected to the input of the Mono Amp Breakout board.
  • A speaker is connected to the output side of the Mono Amp Breakout board.
  • The Mono Amp Breakout and FreeSoC2 board are powered using separate power adapters in order to avoid introducing noise to the amp.