IMU Data to Motion: Tutorial for Translating Sensor Data into Real-World Movement

Contributors: ROB-24601
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The Challenge: Translating Measured Movement to Motion

Monitoring and measuring this incoming data is simple, especially with our Qwiic sensors and example sketches. But let’s face it, we want to do more with our incoming motion data than just read the results on a screen. So I decided to revisit an old project build that I quickly threw together for a new product demo. Since I’ll only be using the measurements from one of the three possible sensors on a 9D0F IMU, for this project I’m going to be using one of our newer, smaller magnetometer boards to control a pair of servos, and then toss out some ideas to upgrade to a much bigger, cooler project.

SparkFun Micro Magnetometer - MMC5983MA (Qwiic)


SparkFun 9DoF IMU Breakout - ISM330DHCX, MMC5983MA (Qwiic)
