Gator:color ProtoSnap Hookup Guide
Resources & Going Further
Now that you have the hang of the gator:color, what will you light up? Have a look at some of the resources below for more information and inspiration!
- gator:color
- gator:bit v2
- About micro:bit - Information about the micro:bit foundation.
- Getting Started - Getting started with the micro:bit.
- Activities - Ideas from the micro:bit website.
- Projects - Projects that you can build with your micro:bit.
- Apps - The micro:bit apps let you send code to your micro:bit wirelessly using Bluetooth. No leads needed!
- SparkFun micro:bit Landing Page
- SparkFun micro:bit Series - Video tutorials to get started using the micro:bit or using it with MicroPython.
For additional SparkFun tutorials, check out some of these related micro:bit tutorials:
How to Load MicroPython on a Microcontroller Board
This tutorial will show you how to load the MicroPython interpreter onto a variety of development boards.
Gator:control ProtoSnap Hookup Guide
Buttons and switches and inputs oh my! Start adding more control to your gator:bit with the SparkFun gator:control.
SparkFun gator:microphone Hookup Guide
The gator:microphone is an I2C sensor for detecting sound with an electret microphone. This tutorial will get you started using the gator:microphone with the micro:bit platform.
How to Create a MakeCode Package for Micro:Bit
Learn how to develop code blocks for the Micro:bit in Microsoft MakeCode!