CCS811 Air Quality Breakout Hookup Guide
Resources and Going Further
Now that you've successfully got your CCS811 breakout up and running, and have scientifically proved which family member is the smelliest, here are some additional resources:
- CCS811 Datasheet-DS000459.pdf --- PDF
- ASHRAE Allowable CO2 Levels.pdf --- PDF
- CC-000774-AN-3-Assembly guidelines for CCS811.pdf --- PDF
- CC-000783-AN-1-Mechanical Considerations for CCS811_0.pdf --- PDF
- CCS811 Firmware Download AN000371.pdf --- PDF
- CCS811 Programming Guide-AN000369.pdf --- PDF
- CCS811 Thermistor Interface AN000372.pdf --- PDF
- Indoor Air Quality Investigations TVOCs EU.pdf --- PDF
- CCS811_Air_Quality_Breakout product repository --- Design files and docs
- SparkFun_CCS811_Arduino_Library Repository --- Source and example files for the Arduino library used in this tutorial.
Also, the following examples are included with the library but not discussed. They may help you on your way!
- BaselineOperator --- Save and restore baselines to the EEPROM
- Core --- Show how the underlying hardware object works
- TwentyMinuteTest --- Report data with timestamp
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Or maybe check out our tests using the sensor at SparkFun!