ACS712 Low Current Sensor Hookup Guide
This Tutorial is Retired!
Note: This tutorial is for the ACS712 Current Sensor Breakout Boards. If you are using either of the newer ACS723 Breakout Boards, please refer to the new Current Sensor Breakout (ACS723) Hookup Guide.
View the updated tutorial: Current Sensor Breakout (ACS723) Hookup Guide
Resources and Going Further
The ACS712 sensor is ideal if you need to measure a small to moderate amount of current, especially if it's AC current! For more information about the ACS712, check out the links below:
- ACS712 Datasheet
- SparkFun Hall-Effect Current Sensor Breakout - ACS712
- SparkFun Low Current Sensor Breakout - ACS712
If you don't need electrical isolation and want to measure smaller currents, check out the INA169 Breakout Board. And for even higher power applications, check out the Non-Invasive Current Sensor - 30A.
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