Comments: 2D Barcode Scanner Breakout Hookup Guide


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  • Tom Hume / about 3 years ago / 1

    When I follow the instructions in this guide to connect the scanner board to the 3.3v power output of an ESP32 devkit v1, the scanner is unresponsive. When I power both the scanner board and ESP32 from separate USB power inputs, it works just fine - so I think that in some circumstances boards may not provide enough power?

    I am wondering whether connecting direct to the scanner module only (and not using a breakout board) would work. Any ideas?

    I wrote up my experiences at

    • El Duderino / about 3 years ago / 1

      Hi there Tom,

      The 3.3V pin on this breakout connects directly to the 3.3V input for the barcode scanner so bypassing the breakout would probably not fix anything. The barcode scanner requires <190mA @3.3V so it sounds like the 3.3V pin on your ESP32 Dev Kit isn't capable of supplying enough current to the scanner.

      These comment sections are not meant for providing technical support so if you need more help with this or other SparkFun products, please head over to our Technical Assistance Page or to contact our Technical Support team, post on the SparkFun Forums.

  • Member #400734 / about 3 years ago / 1

    When scanning can the output go automatically to a field in a web form or notepad in Windows?

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