Transparent Graphical OLED Breakout Hookup Guide

Contributors: Liquid Soulder, Ell C
Favorited Favorite 4


Included in the HyperDisplay_UG2856KLBAG01_ArduinoLibrary are three examples to help you get started using the Transparent Graphical OLED Breakout. If you haven't already downloaded the libraries from the afore-mentioned locations, click on the button below to download the library bundle. Unzip and copy it into your Arduino > Libraries folder.

If you are following along with this tutorial using an ESP32 Thing Plus board (as we are), make sure you set your board definition to Adafruit ESP32 Feather.

Choose The Adafruit Feather Board Definition

Example 1: DisplayTest

The purpose of this example is to act like the "Hello World" message for your display. Uploading this sketch will help confirm that you have followed the hardware hookup correctly. The sketch runs through a couple of different display test, beginning with a custom SparkFun logo display.

To show the logo, Owen whipped up a quick python script that looks at a jpg image and writes out, pixel by pixel, a function to make the display. We've included his script and our image here--have a look! With just a little modification it could be useful in your own application.

To get started, either select File > Examples > SparkFun HyperDisplay Transparent Graphical OLED Library > Example1_DisplayTest or copy and paste the code below into a new Arduino window.

  Verify that your Qwiic Transparent Grahical OLED is connected correctly and working.

  By: Owen Lyke
  SparkFun Electronics
  Date: February 26, 2019
  License: MIT. See license file for more information but you can
  basically do whatever you want with this code.
  Feel like supporting open source hardware?
  Buy a board from SparkFun!

  The graphics library is like a 3-layer cake. Here they are from top-down

  Hardware Compatibility
    - The IO pins on this board are designed for use with 3.3V so if you are using a 5V microcontroller
      please use a level shifter. Note: Qwiic connectors on SparkFun dev boards are already at 3.3V
    - This display relies on a copy of graphics data in your microcontroller, a total of 1024 bytes. 
      That is half the RAM available on an Uno so it is easy to run into sinister low-memory related
      bugs. We reccomend using a micro with more memory like a SAMD21, Esp32, Teensy, etc.

  Hardware Connections:
  Option 1 (I2C):
    Connect using a Qwiic jumper if you have a Qwiic compatible board and you plan to use I2C

  Option 2 (SPI):
    Connect SCLK and MOSI to the SPI port of your choice (13 and 11 for SPI on Uno-like boards) 
    Also connect D/C and CS to two unused GPIO pins of your choice (and set the proper pin definitions below)
    Don't forget power - connect 3.3V and GND

#include "HyperDisplay_UG2856KLBAG01.h"   // Your library can be installed here: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_Transparent_Graphical_OLED
                                          // The rest of the Layer Cake:         http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_HyperDisplay_SSD1309
                                          //                                     http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_HyperDisplay
//      User Setup      //
#define SERIAL_PORT Serial  
#define WIRE_PORT Wire      // Used if USE_SPI == 0
#define SPI_PORT SPI        // Used if USE_SPI == 1

#define RES_PIN 2           // Optional
#define CS_PIN 4            // Used only if USE_SPI == 1
#define DC_PIN 5            // Used only if USE_SPI == 1

#define USE_SPI 1           // Choose your interface. 0 = I2C, 1 = SPI


// Object Declaration. A class exists for each interface option
  UG2856KLBAG01_SPI myTOLED;  // Declare a SPI-based Transparent OLED object called myTOLED
  UG2856KLBAG01_I2C myTOLED;  // Declare a I2C-based Transparent OLED object called myTOLED
#endif /* USE_SPI */

void setup() {

  Serial.println(F("Example1_DisplayTest: Transparent Graphical OLED"));

#if USE_SPI 
  myTOLED.begin(CS_PIN, DC_PIN, SPI_PORT);                  // Begin for SPI requires that you provide the CS and DC pin numbers
  myTOLED.begin(WIRE_PORT, false, SSD1309_ARD_UNUSED_PIN);  // Begin for I2C has default values for every argument
#endif /* USSE_SPI */

// Don't show the logo on boards with small memory
#if !defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) && !defined(__AVR_ATmega168__)
  showLogo( );      // The showLogo function is a hacky way to get a large bitmap into program space without using <avr/pgspace.h>

void loop() {




void lineTest( void )

  for(hd_hw_extent_t indi = 0; indi < myTOLED.xExt; indi+=5)

  for(hd_hw_extent_t indi = 0; indi < myTOLED.yExt; indi+=5)

  for(hd_hw_extent_t indi = 0; indi < myTOLED.xExt; indi+=5)

  for(hd_hw_extent_t indi = 0; indi < myTOLED.yExt; indi+=5)

void rectTest( void )

  for(uint8_t indi = 0; indi < myTOLED.yExt/2; indi+=1)
    myTOLED.rectangleSet(myTOLED.xExt/2-1-indi, myTOLED.yExt/2-1-indi, myTOLED.xExt/2+1+indi, myTOLED.yExt/2+1+indi, false);

  for(uint8_t indi = 0; indi < myTOLED.yExt/2; indi+=1)
    myTOLED.rectangleClear(myTOLED.xExt/2-1-indi, myTOLED.yExt/2-1-indi, myTOLED.xExt/2+1+indi, myTOLED.yExt/2+1+indi, false);

  for(uint8_t indi = 0; indi < myTOLED.yExt/2; indi+=1)
    myTOLED.rectangleSet(myTOLED.xExt/2-1-indi, myTOLED.yExt/2-1-indi, myTOLED.xExt/2+1+indi, myTOLED.yExt/2+1+indi, false);

void circleTest( void )

  for(uint8_t indi = 0; indi < (myTOLED.xExt/2 - 1); indi++)
    myTOLED.circleSet((myTOLED.xExt/2 - 1),(myTOLED.yExt/2 - 1), indi, false);
  myTOLED.circleSet((myTOLED.xExt/2 - 1),(myTOLED.yExt/2 - 1), myTOLED.xExt/2, true);

#if !defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) && !defined(__AVR_ATmega168__)
void showLogo( void ){

  myTOLED.pixelSet(84, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(85, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 3); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(83, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(84, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(85, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 4); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(82, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(83, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(84, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(85, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 5); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(82, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(83, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(84, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(85, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 6); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(82, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(83, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(84, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(85, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 7); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(82, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(83, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(84, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(85, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(92, 8); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(83, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(84, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(85, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(89, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(91, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(92, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(93, 9); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(84, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(85, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(89, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(90, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(91, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(92, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(93, 10); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(85, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(89, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(90, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(91, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(92, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(93, 11); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(78, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(79, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(85, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(89, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(90, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(91, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(92, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(93, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(94, 12); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(77, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(78, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(79, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(85, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(89, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(90, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(91, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(92, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(93, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(94, 13); 
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  myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(24, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(25, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(26, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(27, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(28, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(29, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(30, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(31, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(32, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(33, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(38, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(39, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(40, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(41, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(42, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(47, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(48, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(49, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(50, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(51, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(55, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(56, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(57, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(58, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(59, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(60, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(61, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(62, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(63, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(64, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(67, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(68, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(69, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(70, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(75, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(76, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(77, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(78, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(82, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(83, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(84, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(85, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(89, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(90, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(91, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(92, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(94, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(95, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(96, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(97, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(105, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(106, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(107, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(108, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(112, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(113, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(114, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(115, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(116, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(117, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(118, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(119, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(120, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(121, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(122, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(123, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(124, 37); myTOLED.pixelSet(125, 37); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(24, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(30, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(31, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(32, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(33, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(38, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(39, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(40, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(41, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(48, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(49, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(50, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(51, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(55, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(56, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(57, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(58, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(59, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(60, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(61, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(64, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(67, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(68, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(69, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(70, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(74, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(75, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(76, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(77, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(94, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(95, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(96, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(97, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(105, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(106, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(107, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(108, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(112, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(113, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(114, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(115, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(116, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(121, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(122, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(123, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(124, 38); myTOLED.pixelSet(125, 38); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(31, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(32, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(33, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(34, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(38, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(39, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(40, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(41, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(48, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(49, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(50, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(51, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(55, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(56, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(57, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(58, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(59, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(67, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(68, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(69, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(70, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(73, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(74, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(75, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(76, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(94, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(95, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(96, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(97, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(105, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(106, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(107, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(108, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(112, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(113, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(114, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(115, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(122, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(123, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(124, 39); myTOLED.pixelSet(125, 39); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(31, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(32, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(33, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(34, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(48, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(49, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(50, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(51, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(55, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(56, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(57, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(58, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(59, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(67, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(68, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(69, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(70, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(72, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(73, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(74, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(75, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(94, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(95, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(96, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(97, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(105, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(106, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(107, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(108, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(112, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(113, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(114, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(115, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(122, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(123, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(124, 40); myTOLED.pixelSet(125, 40); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(31, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(32, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(33, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(34, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(46, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(47, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(48, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(49, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(50, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(51, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(55, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(56, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(57, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(58, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(67, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(68, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(69, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(70, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(71, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(72, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(73, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(74, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(75, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(94, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(95, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(96, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(97, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(105, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(106, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(107, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(108, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(112, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(113, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(114, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(115, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(122, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(123, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(124, 41); myTOLED.pixelSet(125, 41); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(32, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(33, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(34, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(41, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(42, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(43, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(44, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(45, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(46, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(47, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(48, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(49, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(50, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(51, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(55, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(56, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(57, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(58, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(67, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(68, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(69, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(70, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(71, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(72, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(73, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(74, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(75, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(76, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(94, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(95, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(96, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(97, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(105, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(106, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(107, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(108, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(112, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(113, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(114, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(115, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(122, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(123, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(124, 42); myTOLED.pixelSet(125, 42); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(32, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(33, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(34, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(39, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(40, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(41, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(42, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(43, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(44, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(45, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(48, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(49, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(50, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(51, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(55, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(56, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(57, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(58, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(67, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(68, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(69, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(70, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(71, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(72, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(73, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(74, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(75, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(76, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(94, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(95, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(96, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(97, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(105, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(106, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(107, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(108, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(112, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(113, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(114, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(115, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(122, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(123, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(124, 43); myTOLED.pixelSet(125, 43); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(31, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(32, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(33, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(34, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(38, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(39, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(40, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(41, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(48, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(49, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(50, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(51, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(55, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(56, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(57, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(58, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(67, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(68, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(69, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(70, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(71, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(73, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(74, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(75, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(76, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(77, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(94, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(95, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(96, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(97, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(105, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(106, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(107, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(108, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(112, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(113, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(114, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(115, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(122, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(123, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(124, 44); myTOLED.pixelSet(125, 44); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(31, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(32, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(33, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(34, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(37, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(38, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(39, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(40, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(48, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(49, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(50, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(51, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(55, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(56, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(57, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(58, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(67, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(68, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(69, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(70, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(74, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(75, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(76, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(77, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(78, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(94, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(95, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(96, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(97, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(105, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(106, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(107, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(108, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(112, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(113, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(114, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(115, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(122, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(123, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(124, 45); myTOLED.pixelSet(125, 45); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(31, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(32, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(33, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(34, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(37, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(38, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(39, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(40, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(48, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(49, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(50, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(51, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(55, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(56, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(57, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(58, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(67, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(68, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(69, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(70, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(75, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(76, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(77, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(78, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(94, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(95, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(96, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(97, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(98, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(104, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(105, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(106, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(107, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(108, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(112, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(113, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(114, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(115, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(122, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(123, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(124, 46); myTOLED.pixelSet(125, 46); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(24, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(30, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(31, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(32, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(33, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(34, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(37, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(38, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(39, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(40, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(47, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(48, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(49, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(50, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(51, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(55, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(56, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(57, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(58, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(67, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(68, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(69, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(70, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(75, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(76, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(77, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(78, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(79, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(95, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(96, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(97, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(98, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(104, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(105, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(106, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(107, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(108, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(112, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(113, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(114, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(115, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(122, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(123, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(124, 47); myTOLED.pixelSet(125, 47); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(24, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(25, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(26, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(27, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(28, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(29, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(30, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(31, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(32, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(33, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(38, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(39, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(40, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(41, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(46, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(47, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(48, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(49, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(50, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(51, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(55, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(56, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(57, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(58, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(67, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(68, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(69, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(70, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(76, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(77, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(78, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(79, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(80, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(95, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(96, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(97, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(98, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(99, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(100, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(101, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(102, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(103, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(104, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(105, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(106, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(107, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(108, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(112, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(113, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(114, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(115, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(122, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(123, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(124, 48); myTOLED.pixelSet(125, 48); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(24, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(25, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(26, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(27, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(28, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(29, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(30, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(31, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(32, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(38, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(39, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(40, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(41, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(42, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(43, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(44, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(45, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(46, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(47, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(48, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(49, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(50, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(51, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(55, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(56, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(57, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(58, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(67, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(68, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(69, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(70, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(77, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(78, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(79, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(80, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(95, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(96, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(97, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(98, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(99, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(100, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(101, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(102, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(103, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(105, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(106, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(107, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(108, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(112, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(113, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(114, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(115, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(122, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(123, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(124, 49); myTOLED.pixelSet(125, 49); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(26, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(27, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(28, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(29, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(30, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(31, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(39, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(40, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(41, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(42, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(43, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(44, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(45, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(48, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(49, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(50, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(51, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(55, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(56, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(57, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(58, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(67, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(68, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(69, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(70, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(77, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(78, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(79, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(80, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(81, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(86, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(87, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(88, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(96, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(97, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(98, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(99, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(100, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(101, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(102, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(105, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(106, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(107, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(108, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(112, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(113, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(114, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(115, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(122, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(123, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(124, 50); myTOLED.pixelSet(125, 50); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 51); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 51); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 51); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 51); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 52); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 52); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 52); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 52); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 53); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 53); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 53); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 53); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 54); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 54); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 54); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 54); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 55); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 55); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 55); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 55); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 56); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 56); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 56); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 56); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 57); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 57); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 57); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 58); myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 58); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(23, 59); 

  for(uint8_t indi = 0; indi < 254; indi++)
  for(uint8_t indi = 255; indi > 1; indi--)

Once you've uploaded the code to your board successfully, you should see something like the GIF below:

Example 1 GIF

If you have a look at the showLogo function, you'll see that the SparkFun logo is calculated and drawn out pixel by pixel. This was calculated using the image_to_pixel python script above. The image is drawn this way due to memory limitations in some Arduino boards. Perhaps not the most efficient way to do this, but it does the trick.

You'll also notice that the comments in this example are sparse - this example is intended to get you up and running and show you that the OLED works. The next example is where we will more thoroughly demonstrate how to make your own application with the drawing functions.

Example 2: DrawingBasics

This example shows some of the basic functions for drawing shapes, including line, rectangle, circle, and polygon. Once uploaded, you should notice different shapes showing up on your transparent OLED. Either select File > Examples > SparkFun HyperDisplay Transparent Graphical OLED Library > Example2_DrawingBasics or copy and paste the code below into a new Arduino window.

  Take a guided tour of the basic capabilities of the Transparent Graphical OLED

  By: Owen Lyke
  SparkFun Electronics
  Date: February 27, 2019
  License: MIT. See license file for more information but you can
  basically do whatever you want with this code.
  Feel like supporting open source hardware?
  Buy a board from SparkFun!

  The graphics library is like a 3-layer cake. Here they are from top-down

  Hardware Compatibility
    - The IO pins on this board are designed for use with 3.3V so if you are using a 5V microcontroller
      please use a level shifter. Note: Qwiic connectors on SparkFun dev boards are already at 3.3V
    - This display relies on a copy of graphics data in your microcontroller, a total of 1024 bytes. 
      That is half the RAM available on an Uno so it is easy to run into sinister low-memory related
      bugs. We reccomend using a micro with more memory like a SAMD21, Esp32, Teensy, etc.

  Hardware Connections:
  Option 1 (I2C):
    Connect using a Qwiic jumper if you have a Qwiic compatible board and you plan to use I2C

  Option 2 (SPI):
    Connect SCLK and MOSI to the SPI port of your choice (13 and 11 for SPI on Uno-like boards) 
    Also connect D/C and CS to two unused GPIO pins of your choice (and set the proper pin definitions below)
    Don't forget power - connect 3.3V and GND

#include "HyperDisplay_UG2856KLBAG01.h"   // Your library can be installed here: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_Transparent_Graphical_OLED
                                          // The rest of the Layer Cake:         http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_HyperDisplay_SSD1309
                                          //                                     http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_HyperDisplay
//      User Setup      //
#define SERIAL_PORT Serial  
#define WIRE_PORT Wire      // Used if USE_SPI == 0
#define SPI_PORT SPI        // Used if USE_SPI == 1

#define RES_PIN 2           // Optional
#define CS_PIN 4            // Used only if USE_SPI == 1
#define DC_PIN 5            // Used only if USE_SPI == 1

#define USE_SPI 0           // Choose your interface. 0 = I2C, 1 = SPI


// Object Declaration. A class exists for each interface option
  UG2856KLBAG01_SPI myTOLED;  // Declare a SPI-based Transparent OLED object called myTOLED
  UG2856KLBAG01_I2C myTOLED;  // Declare a I2C-based Transparent OLED object called myTOLED
#endif /* USE_SPI */

void setup() {

  Serial.println("Example2_DrawingBasics: Transparent Graphical OLED");

#if USE_SPI 
  myTOLED.begin(CS_PIN, DC_PIN, SPI_PORT);                  // Begin for SPI requires that you provide the CS and DC pin numbers
  myTOLED.begin(WIRE_PORT, false, SSD1309_ARD_UNUSED_PIN);  // Begin for I2C has default values for every argument
#endif /* USSE_SPI */

   *  Drawing with the Transparent Graphical OLED
   *  The TOLED display is a 1-bit per pixel display, meaning that each pixel can either be on or off. It is also possible to
   *  raise/lower the contrast of the entire display, but not any pixel individually.
   *  This simplicity allows the TOLED HyperDisplay driver not to worry about color, instead each HyperDisplay function is 
   *  given two variants - one to 'Set' the pixels and one to 'Clear' the pixels. In th following code block we will try 
   *  out a few of those functions. Note, all the 'Set' functions have a 'Clear' counterpart that turns off pixels, but we
   *  will only show those in comments to avoid redundancy

  uint8_t x0      = 0;
  uint8_t y0      = 0;
  uint8_t x1      = 0;
  uint8_t y1      = 0;
  uint8_t r       = 0;

  x0 = 5;
  y0 = 5;
  myTOLED.pixelSet(x0, y0);             // Provide the X and Y locations of the single pixel to set or clear
  // myTOLED.pixelClear(x0, y0);        // 

  x0 = 10;
  y0 = 10;
  x1 = 65;
  y1 = 35;
  myTOLED.rectangleSet(x0, y0, x1, y1);               // Draw a rectangle outline from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1)
  myTOLED.rectangleSet(x0+2, y0+2, x1-2, y1-2, true); // Supply the 'filled' parameter as true to fill in the rectangle
  //  myTOLED.rectangleClear(x0, y0, x1, y1);               
  //  myTOLED.rectangleClear(x0+2, y0+2, x1-2, y1-2, true); 

  x0 = 70;
  y0 = 5;
  x1 = 85;
  y1 = 50;
  myTOLED.lineSet(x0, y0, x1, y1);          // Draw a simple line from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1)  
  myTOLED.lineSet(x0+5, y0, x1+5, y1, 3);   // Draw a line with width 3 
  //  myTOLED.lineSet(x0, y0, x1, y1);        
  //  myTOLED.lineSet(x0+5, y0, x1+5, y1, 3); 

  x0 = 108;
  y1 = 24;
  r  = 14;
  myTOLED.circleSet(x0, y1, r);             // Outline circle centered at (x0, y0) with radius r
  myTOLED.circleSet(x0, y1, r-4, true);     // Filled in 
  //  myTOLED.circleSet(x0, y1, r);    
  //  myTOLED.circleSet(x0, y1, r-4, true);

  hd_extent_t x[] = {5, 42, 52};
  hd_extent_t y[] = {48, 40, 60};
  uint8_t numSides = sizeof(x)/sizeof(hd_extent_t);
  myTOLED.polygonSet(x, y, numSides);               // Make a polygon with numSides at the x, y coordinate pairs
  //  myTOLED.polygonClear(x, y, numSides);

void loop() {




Example Two Display

Although Example2 is detailed in how to use the drawing functions, it falls short in explaining one thing; specifically the options you have when creating and beginning the myTOLED object. When creating the object you can choose either the _I2C or the _SPI suffix to the name of the class (UG2856KLBAG01). That of course changes the intended communication protocol.

If you're using Qwiic, choose I2C. The interface decision also impacts your use of the begin() function by changing which parameters are expected. For I2C, you can specify an Arduino 'Wire' object to use, which I2C address to use, and a pin to use to select the I2C address.

For I2C, all parameters have defaults so it works to just use myTOLED.begin(); For SPI, the first two arguments are required but the third (which allows you to choose which SPI port to use) can be left out (e.g. myTOLED.begin(CS_PIN, DC_PIN);).

Example 3: AdvancedFeatures

This example has some serious Mario goalz. When you upload this, you'll see Mario jumping up and down and eventually landing on a pipe. Either select File > Examples > SparkFun HyperDisplay Transparent Graphical OLED Library > Example3_AdvancedFeatures or copy and paste the code below into a new Arduino window.

  Take a guided tour of the basic capabilities of the Transparent Graphical OLED

  By: Owen Lyke
  SparkFun Electronics
  Date: February 28, 2019
  License: MIT. See license file for more information but you can
  basically do whatever you want with this code.
  Feel like supporting open source hardware?
  Buy a board from SparkFun!

  The graphics library is like a 3-layer cake. Here they are from top-down

  Hardware Compatibility
    - The IO pins on this board are designed for use with 3.3V so if you are using a 5V microcontroller
      please use a level shifter. Note: Qwiic connectors on SparkFun dev boards are already at 3.3V
    - This display relies on a copy of graphics data in your microcontroller, a total of 1024 bytes. 
      That is half the RAM available on an Uno so it is easy to run into sinister low-memory related
      bugs. We reccomend using a micro with more memory like a SAMD21, Esp32, Teensy, etc.

  Hardware Connections:
  Option 1 (I2C):
    Connect using a Qwiic jumper if you have a Qwiic compatible board and you plan to use I2C

  Option 2 (SPI):
    Connect SCLK and MOSI to the SPI port of your choice (13 and 11 for SPI on Uno-like boards) 
    Also connect D/C and CS to two unused GPIO pins of your choice (and set the proper pin definitions below)
    Don't forget power - connect 3.3V and GND

#include "HyperDisplay_UG2856KLBAG01.h"   // Your library can be installed here: http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_Transparent_Graphical_OLED
                                          // The rest of the Layer Cake:         http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_HyperDisplay_SSD1309
                                          //                                     http://librarymanager/All#SparkFun_HyperDisplay
//      User Setup      //
#define SERIAL_PORT Serial  
#define WIRE_PORT Wire      // Used if USE_SPI == 0
#define SPI_PORT SPI        // Used if USE_SPI == 1

#define RES_PIN 2           // Optional
#define CS_PIN 4            // Used only if USE_SPI == 1
#define DC_PIN 5            // Used only if USE_SPI == 1

#define USE_SPI 0           // Choose your interface. 0 = I2C, 1 = SPI


// Object Declaration. A class exists for each interface option
  UG2856KLBAG01_SPI myTOLED;  // Declare a SPI-based Transparent OLED object called myTOLED
  UG2856KLBAG01_I2C myTOLED;  // Declare a I2C-based Transparent OLED object called myTOLED
#endif /* USE_SPI */

void setup() {

  Serial.println("Example3_AdvancedFeatures: Transparent Graphical OLED");

#if USE_SPI 
  myTOLED.begin(CS_PIN, DC_PIN, SPI_PORT);                  // Begin for SPI requires that you provide the CS and DC pin numbers
  myTOLED.begin(WIRE_PORT, false, SSD1309_ARD_UNUSED_PIN);  // Begin for I2C has default values for every argument
#endif /* USSE_SPI */

  wind_info_t defaultWindow, myWindow;  // Create some window objects

  // Initialize the windows to defualt settings 
  // (this is a pretty important step unless you are extra
  // careful to manually initialize each and every paramter)

  // We can set the rectangular active area of the window
  myWindow.xMin = 25; 
  myWindow.yMin = 05;
  myWindow.xMax = 73;
  myWindow.yMax = 48;

  // All drawing functions use window-relative coordinates
  // This makes it easy to reposition whole compositions

  // First let's draw a line on the default window (which is equivalent to the whole screen)
  myTOLED.lineSet(0, 0, 15, 43);

  // Now let's change the active window and draw the same line
  myTOLED.pCurrentWindow = &myWindow;
  myTOLED.lineSet(0, 0, 15, 43);


  // To better illustrate where the window is let's fill it in..
  myTOLED.windowSet();  // Calling windowSet without arguments operates on the current window.
  //  myTOLED.windowClear();


  // Remember, drawing functions are relative to the current window,
  // so you don't have to do extra math!
  myTOLED.circleClear(25, 20, 10); // Add some pizzazz!


  // You can also pass a window to windowSet/Clear to fill it without changing the current window
  myTOLED.windowClear(&defaultWindow); // The default initialization will make this clear the whole screen


void loop() {

#if !defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) && !defined(__AVR_ATmega168__)
  // Now for an example of what you might do with a window...

  wind_info_t mariosWindow, pipeWindow;

  // Make the window just big enough for Mario
  mariosWindow.xMax = 21;
  mariosWindow.yMax = 28;

  pipeWindow.xMax = 24;
  pipeWindow.yMax = 24;

  // Move the windows into the starting position
  moveWindow(0, 34, &mariosWindow);
  moveWindow(103, 63-25, &pipeWindow);

  // Draw Pipe
  myTOLED.pCurrentWindow = &pipeWindow;

  // Draw Mario at the starting position
  myTOLED.pCurrentWindow = &mariosWindow;

  // Move mario to his home
  moveWindow(15, -15, &mariosWindow);

  moveWindow(15, 15, &mariosWindow);

  moveWindow(13, -15, &mariosWindow);

  moveWindow(13, 15, &mariosWindow);

  moveWindow(13, -15, &mariosWindow);

  moveWindow(13, 15, &mariosWindow);

  moveWindow(5, -23, &mariosWindow);

  moveWindow(17, 0, &mariosWindow);




void moveWindow( int8_t x, int8_t y, wind_info_t* pwind){
  pwind->xMin += x;
  pwind->yMin += y;
  pwind->xMax += x;
  pwind->yMax += y;

#if !defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) && !defined(__AVR_ATmega168__)
void showMario( void ){
  myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 2); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 3); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 4); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 5); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 6); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 7); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 8); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(19, 9); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 10); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 11); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 12); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 13); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 14); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 14); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 14); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 14); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 14); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 14); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 14); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 14); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 14); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 14); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 15); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 16); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(1, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(19, 17); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(1, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(19, 18); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(1, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(19, 19); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(1, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(19, 20); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(1, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(19, 21); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(1, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(19, 22); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 23); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 23); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 23); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 23); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 23); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 23); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 23); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 23); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 23); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 23); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 24); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 24); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 24); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 24); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 24); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 24); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 24); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 24); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 25); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 25); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 25); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 25); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 25); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 25); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 25); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 25); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 25); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 26); myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 26); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 26); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 26); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 26); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 26); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 26); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 26); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 26); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 26); myTOLED.pixelSet(19, 26); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(1, 27); myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 27); myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 27); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 27); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 27); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 27); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 27); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 27); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 27); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 27); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 27); myTOLED.pixelSet(19, 27); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 27);  

void showPipe( void ){
  myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(19, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 2); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 2); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 3); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 3); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 4); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 4); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 5); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 5); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 6); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 6); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 7); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 7); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 8); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 8); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 9); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 9); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 10); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 10); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 11); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 11); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(2, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(4, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(5, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(8, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(9, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(10, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(12, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(18, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(19, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 12); myTOLED.pixelSet(22, 12); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(7, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(11, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(13, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(16, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(17, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 13); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 13); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 14); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 14); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 14); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 14); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 14); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 15); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 15); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 16); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 16); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 17); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 17); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 18); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 18); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 19); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 19); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 20); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 20); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 21); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 21); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 22); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 22); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 23); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 23); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 23); myTOLED.pixelSet(15, 23); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 23); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 23); 
  myTOLED.pixelSet(3, 24); myTOLED.pixelSet(6, 24); myTOLED.pixelSet(14, 24); myTOLED.pixelSet(20, 24); myTOLED.pixelSet(21, 24); 

void showMario( void ){
  Serial.println(F("Sorry, Uno and other low-memory microcontrollers may not be able to run the Mario code due to program memory size constraints."))

void showPipe( void ){
  Serial.println(F("Sorry, Uno and other low-memory microcontrollers may not be able to run the Mario code due to program memory size constraints."))

Once you've uploaded the code, you should see a bouncing Mario heading towards the finish line.

Mario I2C display

The 'Advanced Feature' referenced in this example is the ability to draw in relation to pre-defined 'windows.' Windows allow you to easily constrain drawing to a particular area or to group related objects. To highlight this fact we made a Mario character with a bunch of hard-coded pixelSet(x,y) calls but were able to move him simply by moving the active window and re-drawing. In that case, all the individual pixels that make up Mario were the related objects that we wanted to move together.

One feature not shown in this example is the built-in HyperDisplay text printing. The reason for this is that on, ESP32 boards the <avr/pgmspace.h> header is not supported so we can't use the default font. However, the printing functions should work on micrcontrollers that both support <avr/pgmspace.h> and have enough RAM to be stable. Check out the HyperDisplay tutorial for more information on this.