Roshamglo Project: TV-B-Gone
In addition to playing some infrared (IR) Rock-Paper-Scissors, you can use your Roshamglo badge for a number of fun activities, including sending IR commands to your TV (well, almost any TV, really).
SparkFun Roshamglo Badge Kit
KIT-14130A few years ago, Mitch Altman designed an ATtiny85-based IR remote, known as TV-B-Gone®, that transmits the power code of popular televisions over the course of about a minute. Since then, several people have contributed to the open source code of TV-B-Gone, including Limor Fried and Ken Shirriff, who created an Arduino port of the program.
Required Materials
You will need a Roshamglo badge and, optionally, a resistor between 47Ω and 1kΩ. We recommend the Resistor Kit, as it has several different resistor options to play with.
If you plan to add a resistor to your Roshamglo badge to increase the IR range, you will need a soldering iron and solder.
Suggested Reading
If you aren't familiar with the following concepts, we recommend checking out these tutorials before continuing.