LilyPad Light Sensor Hookup Guide

Contributors: Gella
Favorited Favorite 4

Resources and Going Further

Here are some resources for planning a project with the light sensor:

Or, you can check out these other great light-based tutorials.

Humidity-sensing LED Flower

How about that humidity? This tutorial shows how to add sensing capability to the 21st Century Fashion Kit's RGB flower project.

Prototype Wearable LED Dance Harness

A project tutorial to add an extra effect for dancers performing a choreographed piece. The harness can be added quickly under a costume.

Photocell Hookup Guide

Hook a light-sensing photocell up to an Arduino to create an ambient light monitor.

LilyPad Safety Scarf

This scarf is embedded with a ribbon of LEDs that illuminate when it gets dark out, making yourself more visible to vehicle and other pedestrians.