LilyPad Buzzer Hookup Guide

Contributors: Gella
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Triggering Sounds

For this example, we'll make the song play only after a trigger is pressed. We can use alligator clips to make a quick and easy switch, or hook up a LilyPad Button or home-made button to the LilyPad Arduino. For LilyPad Development Board users, a button is pre-wired to pin A5.

alt text

Here we'll use an if() statement to check if the button is pressed. If yes, we'll call a function we created to play a song, and if not noTone() will keep the buzzer from making noise. To keep the code easier to read/more organized, we've created a function to hold the song we're composing called playSong(). We've also added an additional variable called buttonState to store the readings from the button pin.


LilyPad Buzzer Example
SparkFun Electronics

This example code shows how use a button (or alligator clips) to trigger sounds
with the LilyPad Buzzer.

Buzzer connections:
   * + pin to 5
   * - to -

Button connections:
   * + pin to A3
   * - to -

// Pin the buzzer is attached to
int buzzerPin = 5;

// Pin the button is attached to
int buttonPin = A3;

// Variable to store the button's state 
int buttonState = 0;

// Set a time in milliseconds for all delays
int delayTime = 100; 

// Notes
const int C = 1046;
const int D = 1175;
const int E = 1319;
const int F = 1397;
const int G = 1568;
const int A = 1760;
const int B = 1976;
const int C1 = 2093;
const int D1 = 2349;

void setup()
    // Set the buzzer pin as an OUTPUT
    pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);
    //Set the button as INPUT
    pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
    // Initialize Serial, set the baud rate to 9600.


void loop()
  buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
  // Display button press in Serial Monitor
    Serial.print("buttonState is:");
  // Print the buttonState
  if (buttonState == LOW) 
    // Call a function named playSong()
    //Display button press in Serial Monitor
    Serial.println("Button is PRESSED");
  } else 
    //Display button press in Serial Monitor
    Serial.println("Button is NOT PRESSED");

void playSong() 
  tone(buzzerPin, C);
  tone(buzzerPin, D);
  tone(buzzerPin, E);
  tone(buzzerPin, F);
  tone(buzzerPin, G);
  tone(buzzerPin, A);
  tone(buzzerPin, B);
  tone(buzzerPin, C1);
  // Use noTone() to shut off the buzzer and delay to create a 'rest'

After uploading the code, press the alligator clip connected to the input (buttonPin) to the alligator clip connected to the negative pin on the LilyPad. You should hear a sound play.

We can also take a look at the button press readings in the Serial Monitor. You should begin seeing some values - the first is printing the number in the **buttonState ** variable. If the button is not pressed, the value will show as 1. If pressed, it will read 0. We also print a message saying if the button is pressed or not.

If your button isn't behaving, take a look at a way of debouncing input readings with this tutorial.

Learn more about buttons and switches in our Switch Basics tutorial.