Large Digit Driver Hookup Guide
Shawn Hymel
Example: Speed Trap
To demonstrate the displays we built a device that measures the distance from the wall to a human. As that distance changes we can caculate speed. We present: The SparkFun Speed Trap!
Note the handprints from people running into the wall
Here is a list of parts you'll need:
Speed Trap Wishlist
You can find the code and the PCB layout for the Speed Trap here. You don't need the custom PCB, it's fairly easy to build just with jumpers and a bit of soldering. You can also use the ATX power connector in the wishlist to save some time when using the 12V/5V power supply.
/* Displaying instantaneous speed from a LIDAR on two large 7-segment displays By: Nathan Seidle SparkFun Electronics Date: January 5th, 2015 License: This code is public domain but you buy me a beer if you use this and we meet someday (Beerware license). The new LIDAR-Lite from PulsedLight is pretty nice. It outputs readings very quickly. From multiple distance readings we can calculate speed (velocity is the derivative of position). Here's how to hook up the Arduino pins to the Large Digit Driver backpack: Arduino pin 5 -> LAT 6 -> CLK 7 -> SER GND -> GND 5V -> 5V VIN/Barrel Jack -> External 12V supply (this should power the LDD as well) You'll also need to connect the LIDAR to the Arduino: Arduino 5V -> LIDAR 5V GND -> GND A5 -> SCL A4 -> SDA A0 -> Enable */ //GPIO declarations //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= byte statLED = 13; //On board status LED byte en_LIDAR = A0; //Low makes LIDAR go to sleep, high is normal operation byte segmentLatch = 5; //Display data when this pin goes high byte segmentClock = 6; //Clock one bit on each rising/falling edge byte segmentSerial = 7; //Serial data in //-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= long lastTime = 0; long lastReading = 0; int lastDistance = 265; float newDistance; const byte numberOfDeltas = 8; float deltas[numberOfDeltas]; byte deltaSpot = 0; //Keeps track of where we are within the deltas array //This controls how quickly the display updates //Too quickly and it gets twitchy. Too slow and it doesn't seem like it's responding. int maxMPH = 0; //Keeps track of what the latest fastest speed is long maxMPH_timeout = 0; //Forget the max speed after some length of time void setup() { wdt_reset(); //Pet the dog wdt_disable(); //We don't want the watchdog during init Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("Speed Trap"); Wire.begin(); pinMode(en_LIDAR, OUTPUT); pinMode(segmentClock, OUTPUT); pinMode(segmentLatch, OUTPUT); pinMode(segmentSerial, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(segmentClock, LOW); digitalWrite(segmentLatch, LOW); digitalWrite(segmentSerial, LOW); pinMode(statLED, OUTPUT); Serial.println("Coming online"); enableLIDAR(); while(readLIDAR() == 0) { Serial.println("Failed LIDAR read"); delay(100); } showSpeed(42); //Test pattern delay(500); /*postNumber('c', false); postNumber(' ', false); digitalWrite(segmentLatch, LOW); digitalWrite(segmentLatch, HIGH); //Register moves storage register on the rising edge of RCK delay(2000);*/ wdt_reset(); //Pet the dog wdt_enable(WDTO_250MS); //Unleash the beast } void loop() { wdt_reset(); //Pet the dog //Each second blink the status LED if (millis() - lastTime > 1000) { lastTime = millis(); if (digitalRead(statLED) == LOW) digitalWrite(statLED, HIGH); else digitalWrite(statLED, LOW); } //Take a reading every 50ms if (millis() - lastReading > (LOOPTIME-1)) // 49) { lastReading = millis(); //Every loop let's get a reading newDistance = readLIDAR(); //Go get distance in cm //Error checking if(newDistance > 1200) newDistance = 0; int deltaDistance = lastDistance - newDistance; lastDistance = newDistance; //Scan delta array to see if this new delta is sane or not boolean safeDelta = true; for(int x = 0 ; x < numberOfDeltas ; x++) { //We don't want to register jumps greater than 30cm in 50ms //But if we're less than 1000cm then maybe //30 works well if( abs(deltaDistance - deltas[x]) > 40) safeDelta = false; } //Insert this new delta into the array if(safeDelta) { deltas[deltaSpot++] = deltaDistance; if (deltaSpot > numberOfDeltas) deltaSpot = 0; //Wrap this variable } //Get average of the current deltas array float avgDeltas = 0.0; for (byte x = 0 ; x < numberOfDeltas ; x++) avgDeltas += (float)deltas[x]; avgDeltas /= numberOfDeltas; //22.36936 comes from a big coversion from cm per 50ms to mile per hour float instantMPH = 22.36936 * (float)avgDeltas / (float)LOOPTIME; instantMPH = abs(instantMPH); //We want to measure as you walk away ceil(instantMPH); //Round up to the next number. This is helpful if we're not displaying decimals. if(instantMPH > maxMPH) { showSpeed(instantMPH); maxMPH = instantMPH; maxMPH_timeout = millis(); } else //maxMPH is king { showSpeed(maxMPH); } if(millis() - maxMPH_timeout > maxMPH_remember) { maxMPH = 0; showSpeed(0); } Serial.print("raw: "); Serial.print(newDistance); Serial.print(" delta: "); Serial.print(deltaDistance); Serial.print(" cm distance: "); Serial.print(newDistance * 0.0328084, 2); //Convert to ft Serial.print(" ft delta:"); Serial.print(abs(avgDeltas)); Serial.print(" speed:"); Serial.print(abs(instantMPH), 2); Serial.print(" mph"); Serial.println(); } } //A watch dog friendly delay void petFriendlyDelay(int timeMS) { long current = millis(); while(millis() - current < timeMS) { delay(1); wdt_reset(); //Pet the dog } } //Get a new reading from the distance sensor int readLIDAR(void) { int distance = 0; Wire.beginTransmission((int)LIDARLite_ADDRESS); // transmit to LIDAR-Lite Wire.write((int)RegisterMeasure); // sets register pointer to (0x00) Wire.write((int)MeasureValue); // sets register pointer to (0x00) Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting delay(20); // Wait 20ms for transmit wdt_reset(); //Pet the dog Wire.beginTransmission((int)LIDARLite_ADDRESS); // transmit to LIDAR-Lite Wire.write((int)RegisterHighLowB); // sets register pointer to (0x8f) Wire.endTransmission(); // stop transmitting delay(20); // Wait 20ms for transmit wdt_reset(); //Pet the dog Wire.requestFrom((int)LIDARLite_ADDRESS, 2); // request 2 bytes from LIDAR-Lite if (Wire.available() >= 2) // if two bytes were received { distance =; // receive high byte (overwrites previous reading) distance = distance << 8; // shift high byte to be high 8 bits distance |=; // receive low byte as lower 8 bits return (distance); } else { Serial.println("Read fail"); disableLIDAR(); delay(100); enableLIDAR(); return(0); } } //Takes a speed and displays 2 numbers. Displays absolute value (no negatives) void showSpeed(float speed) { int number = abs(speed); //Remove negative signs and any decimals //Serial.print("number: "); //Serial.println(number); for (byte x = 0 ; x < 2 ; x++) { int remainder = number % 10; postNumber(remainder, false); number /= 10; } //Latch the current segment data digitalWrite(segmentLatch, LOW); digitalWrite(segmentLatch, HIGH); //Register moves storage register on the rising edge of RCK } //Given a number, or '-', shifts it out to the display void postNumber(byte number, boolean decimal) { // - A // / / F/B // - G // / / E/C // -. D/DP byte segments; //This method uses 7946 bytes switch (number) { case 1: segments = b | c; break; case 2: segments = a | b | d | e | g; break; case 3: segments = a | b | c | d | g; break; case 4: segments = f | g | b | c; break; case 5: segments = a | f | g | c | d; break; case 6: segments = a | f | g | e | c | d; break; case 7: segments = a | b | c; break; case 8: segments = a | b | c | d | e | f | g; break; case 9: segments = a | b | c | d | f | g; break; case 0: segments = a | b | c | d | e | f; break; case ' ': segments = 0; break; case 'c': segments = g | e | d; break; case '-': segments = g; break; } //The method uses 7954 bytes /*if(number == 1) segments = b|c; if(number == 2) segments = a|b|d|e|g; if(number == 3) segments = a|b|c|d|g; if(number == 4) segments = f|g|b|c; if(number == 5) segments = a|f|g|c|d; if(number == 6) segments = a|f|g|e|c|d; if(number == 7) segments = a|b|c; if(number == 8) segments = a|b|c|d|e|f|g; if(number == 9) segments = a|b|c|d|f|g; if(number == 0) segments = a|b|c|d|e|f; if(number == ' ') segments = 0; if(number == 'c') segments = g | e | d; if(number == '-') segments = g;*/ if (decimal) segments |= dp; for (byte x = 0 ; x < 8 ; x++) { digitalWrite(segmentClock, LOW); digitalWrite(segmentSerial, segments & 1 << (7 - x)); digitalWrite(segmentClock, HIGH); //Data transfers to the register on the rising edge of SRCK } } //Sometimes the LIDAR stops responding. This causes it to reset void disableLIDAR() { digitalWrite(en_LIDAR, LOW); } void enableLIDAR() { digitalWrite(en_LIDAR, HIGH); } //Takes an average of readings on a given pin //Returns the average int averageAnalogRead(byte pinToRead) { byte numberOfReadings = 8; unsigned int runningValue = 0; for (int x = 0 ; x < numberOfReadings ; x++) runningValue += analogRead(pinToRead); runningValue /= numberOfReadings; return (runningValue); }