Hackers in Residence: The Sound Visualizer

Contributors: onebeartoe
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Software Usage

Now we will discuss how to execute the Sound Visualizer file.

Starting the Application

The SSH program allows you to login to the Raspberry Pi.

ssh pi@raspberrypi.local

Once logged in via ssh, run the application from the JAR file that was copied to the Raspberry Pi. This command runs the application:

java -jar sound-visualizer.jar


With the application running, the Web controls for the the sound visualizer are available at this URL:
Heads up! Make sure you replace this IP address with the correct IP address or hostname of your Raspberry Pi.

Here is a screen grab of the Web interface:

alt text


The application has several modes. The sound visualization mode is controlled by a drop down menu on the Web interface.

  • Off - stops all animation
  • Blob - like a scatter plot; more sound gives more dots
  • Bottom Up - draws lines from the bottom; more sound gives longer lines
  • Rectangle - shows concentric rectangles; more sound gives larger rectangles
  • Circle - similar to a pie chart with two sections; more sound increases the colored arc’s size
  • Wave Graph - similar to the Bottom Up mode, but is centered vertically

Quitting the App

The Java application is terminated by sending it an HTTP request for this URL:

Again, replace the IP address above with the actual IP or hostname of the Raspberry Pi.

Demonstration Video

Here is a video of the project in action.