Hackers in Residence: The Sound Visualizer

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Contributors: onebeartoe
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Resources and Going Further

If you'd like to explore more information about this project or remix it and implement it yourself, here are some helpful resources and tips for going further with this project.

Initialization Daemon

Having the application run at boot makes for a huge convenience. It avoids having to SSH into the Raspberry Pi to start the app if/when it re-boots. Install an init.d script to have the application start at every reboot.

Modify the Java App

The source code is available on Github Clone both repositories below.

Netbeans is the preferred IDE for PIXEL development. Open the subproject named ‘sound-visualizer’ from the directory where you cloned the main Github project. Open the ‘pixel-commons’ project from the directory where you cloned the Pixel APIs.

  • The classes that do the sound visualizations are in the org.onebeartoe.pixel.sound.meter package, in the pixel-commons project.
  • Make any changes you would like to see.

Compile and run the app with the F6 key.

Issue the following command to package changes into a new JAR file.

mvn package 

Copy the new ‘with-dependencies’ JAR file, found under the target/ directory, to the Raspberry Pi. Now, run the app with the new code changes.

Development Builds

Development builds of the software are available from the continuous integration server.

Going Further

Check out Part 2 of this tutorial to expand this app beyond the Raspberry Pi to a full size PC.