GNSS Timing Breakout - ZED-F9T (Qwiic) Hookup Guide

Contributors: Nate, El Duderino
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Resources and Going Further

That's a wrap for this tutorial. For more information about the SparkFun GNSS Timing Breakout - ZED-F9T (Qwiic), check out the following resources:

For more information on setting up a GNSS Timing Breakout - ZED-F9T as a time base station and broadcasting RTCM data, head over to these tutorials:

Looking for inspiration for your next GNSS project? The tutorials below may help:

GPS Logger Shield Hookup Guide

How to assemble and hookup the SparkFun GPS Logger Shield. Never lose track of your Arduino again!

GPS Geo-Mapping at the Push of a Button

Let's ramp up our GPS tracking skills with KML files and Google Earth. We'll make a tracker that logs location and allows us to visualize our steps with Google Earth.

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A guide to get you started with the SparkFun LTE GNSS Breakout - SARA-R5. This breakout features the SARA-R5 module from u-blox.

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