GeoFence Treasure Hunt With Artemis Global Tracker

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The Setup

The first step in the development setup is the software setup. If you have not programmed with the Arduino IDE before, SparkFun made a great introductory guide to setup with the Artemis module which can be found here. It notes the need to add the Artemis module within the Arduino IDE boards manager using the following link:

You will also need to add the following libraries to the Arduino IDE: SparkFun u-blox GNSS Arduino Library, IridiumSBDi2c. If you want to make use of the PHT sensor, you will also need the SparkFun PHT MS8607 Arduino Library. These can all be found within the Arduino Library Manager.

To begin development, you will need to connect the Artemis Global Tracker to your device with the Arduino IDE using the USB-C cable, and select the designated board (RedBoard Artemis ATP).