GeoFence Treasure Hunt With Artemis Global Tracker

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The Story

The Artemis Global Tracker is a highly functional sensor device with professional grade pressure, humidity, and temperature sensing with the onboard TE MS8607 PHT sensor, and location data through the onboard u-blox ZOE-M8Q GNSS receiver. It can also be programmed with the Arduino IDE through the Artemis processor and transfer information through the Iridium Satellite Network due to the Iridium 9603N Short Burst Data modem. The goal of this project is to demonstrate the ease of working with this device, and the accuracy and potential of its onboard sensors, specifically the GNSS receiver.

This project will use the Artemis Global Tracker (AGT) to create a “Treasure Game” in which the player begins the game, the AGT will randomly select a position in a 20 meter radius (designated the “treasure spot”), and the onboard LED will blink faster as the player moves toward the “treasure spot” - winning when they find it exactly. In this way, the onboard LED will lead the player to the “treasure spot”. This game will also transfer location information to a computer using the Iridium Satellite Network, meaning it could be played even where no WIFI or wireless data is accessible.