Comments: Connector Basics


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  • Member #1542905 / about 6 years ago / 2

    "The downside of screw terminals is that they can come undone fairly easily, leaving a bare wire waving around in your circuit." That is exactly why you need to crimp sleeves to wires or crimp proper fork spade terminal connectors so that you can screw the connectors tightly (and never solder the ends of bare wires!); screwing in bare wire should not be advised.

  • LogicTom / about 11 years ago / 2

    How about a section on how to assemble/solder up some of the common connectors? A lot of the time they don't come with any instruction and I have seen them assembled in a few different ways. Also what crimping tool, if any, is needed and how to use it correctly.

    • SFUptownMaker / about 11 years ago / 1

      Not a bad idea; we've talked about having an "engineering tricks" tutorial that includes things like that. Maybe we'll get to it in the New Year!

      • LogicTom / about 11 years ago / 1

        That would be great! Perhaps you could also add something about when and where you should connect shield pins/tabs on different connectors; I know I usually end up just letting them float as I'm never sure when to connect them up or not.

  • Member #1497124 / about 5 years ago / 1

    Thank you very much for this wonderful article.

  • JoRandall / about 7 years ago / 1

    I love the article. Might be useful to add the newer USB-C connectors to this tutorial as well!

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