Using SparkFun Edge Board with Ambiq Apollo3 SDK
Liquid Soulder
Resources and Going Further
Congratulations! If everything went according to plan then you've run an example on the Edge board and you are now all set up to start building your own applications. Here are a few resources to help guide that process and explain more about the topics covered in the tutorial.
Tutorial Links:
- Windows Git Bash Install
- Make for Windows
- Python Installs
- GNU-RM GitHub Site
- Ambiq Micro Apollo3 Blue SDK Rel2.5.1
- SparkFun Edge Board Support Package GitHub
- Makefile Tutorial
Want more information on the Ambiq Apollo3 or the SparkFun Edge Board?
- SparkFun Edge Board Schematic (PDF)
- SparkFun Edge Board Eagle Files (ZIP)
- Ambiq Apollo3 Datasheet
- Using TensorFlow on Microcontrollers
- GitHub
- Forked Ambiq Suite SDK - Mirror of Ambiq Suite SDK that includes BSP
- SparkFun Apollo3 AmbiqSuite BSP
- SparkFun Edge Board Hardware Repo
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