Sound Location with the Qwiic Sound Trigger and the u-blox ZED-F9x

Contributors: PaulZC
Favorited Favorite 3

Example Code

The GitHub Hardware Repo contains two examples for the Sound Trigger. You can run these in the Arduino IDE.

The first example, as the name suggests, is very simple. It uses the Qwiic (I2C / Wire) bus to communicate with the PCA9536 on the Sound Trigger. If a sound event is detected, you see a serial message showing how long it was since the last sound event. Then the event is cleared (reset) ready for the next one. The red LED on the sound trigger will light up briefly on each event. The LED on your board (LED_BUILTIN) will flash for a full second on each event.

The second example is the crowd pleaser! It runs on the MicroMod Data Logging Carrier Board together with the Artemis Processor Board but it should work just fine with any of our processor boards. It communicates with our ZED-F9P Breakout and the Qwiic Sound Trigger to capture sound events and log them to SD card as u-blox UBX TIM_TM2 messages.

SparkFun MicroMod Data Logging Carrier Board


SparkFun MicroMod Artemis Processor
