RP2040 Thing Plus Hookup Guide
Nick Poole, santaimpersonator
Resources and Going Further
For more on the RP2040 Development Kit, check out the links below:
- Schematic (PDF)
- Eagle Files (ZIP)
- Board Dimensions (PDF)
- Software (SDK) Documentation:
- Online SDK Documentation
- Raspberry Pi Pico C/C++ SDK (PDF) - A guide on the libraries and tools for C++ development on RP2040 microcontrollers
- Raspberry Pi Pico Python SDK (PDF) - A guide on the MicroPython environment for RP2040 microcontrollers
- Hardware Component Information:
- GitHub Hardware Repository
- Software Development Platforms for the RP2040:
- MicroPython
- Example code to accompany the Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico book
- Pico C/C++ SDK
- Example codes
- Beta Libraries
- Example code for the beta libraries
- Tools and Resources:
- RP2040 Boot ROM - Souce code for the USB mass storage device emulation
- Picotool - Inspecting RP2040 binaries in BOOTSEL mode
- Debugging Probe Configuration
- OpenOCD Debugger
- pico-project-generator - GUI tool to automatically generate a Pico C/C++ SDK project
- UF2 Files- Just drag-and-drop onto your RP2040 board
- C/C++ Files:
- MicroPython Files:
- Utility Files:
- Debugging w/ picoprobe - Debugging with another RP2040 microcontroller
- Reset flash memory - Clears flash memory from board
- MicroPython