Red Box Robot Hookup Guide
Nick Poole
Redbox Robot
Here at SparkFun, we get a lot of compliments on our red boxes. They're strong, stylish and hard to lose on a messy workbench. But, did you know that they also make pretty great robots? Okay, you can make a robot out of almost any box, but it won't be as stylish. This kit has everything you need to transform your favorite cardboard box into a robotic buddy!
Cyber Monday Redbox Robot
KIT-14062Kit Includes:
- SparkFun RedStick
- SparkFun Motor Driver -- Dual TB6612FNG (1A)
- Hook-up Wire -- White (22 AWG)
- Breadboard -- Self-Adhesive (White)
- 2x Break Away Headers -- Straight
- 3x 1500 mAh Alkaline Battery -- AA
- Battery Holder 3xAA with Cover and Switch
- Mini Speaker -- PC Mount 12mm 2.048kHz
- Ultrasonic Sensor -- HC-SR04
- Hobby Gearmotor -- 200 RPM (Pair)
- Wheel -- 65mm (Rubber Tire, Pair)
- Super Bright LED -- Red 10mm
- Double-Sided Tape (to attach motors to the box)
Covered in This Tutorial
This tutorial will guide you through the assembly, wiring and programming of an obstacle-avoiding robot. You will need to have some basic soldering experience, and you'll need to cut a few holes in a cardboard box. Beyond that, you shouldn't need any special tools or technical skill.
Materials Required
Besides the parts included in your kit, you'll need to following tools:
- Soldering tools, including an iron and solder
- Scissors or a hobby knife
- Wire Strippers
- Googly eyes and other adornments (optional)
Suggested Reading
How to Solder: Through-Hole Soldering
This tutorial covers everything you need to know about through-hole soldering.
Motors and Selecting the Right One
Learn all about different kinds of motors and how they operate.
RedStick Hookup Guide
Learn about the SparkFun RedStick, a USB thumb drive-sized Arduino-compatible development platform.
TB6612FNG Hookup Guide
Basic hookup guide for the TB6612FNG H-bridge motor driver to get your robot to start moving!