Qwiic Keypad Hookup Guide

Contributors: QCPete, santaimpersonator
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Resources and Going Further

For more information, check out the resources below:

Need help getting started with Arduino and I2C? Check out these resources here:

Need some inspiration for your next project? Check out this Hotkey Project, similar to this blog post by ALEX THE GIANT from a few years ago.

Check out some of these other Qwiic product tutorials:

ESP32 LoRa 1-CH Gateway, LoRaWAN, and the Things Network

Using the ESP32 LoRa 1-CH Gateway as a gateway and device, and pushing data to The Things Network.

SparkFun Qwiic RFID-IDXXLA Hookup Guide

The Qwiic RFID ID-XXLA is an I2C solution that pairs with the ID-LA modules: ID-3LA, the ID-12LA, or the ID-20LA, and utilizes 125kHz RFID chips. Let's take a look at the hardware used for this tutorial.

SparkFun GPS Dead Reckoning NEO-M8U Hookup Guide

The u-blox NEO-M8U is a powerful GPS units that takes advantage of untethered dead reckoning (UDR) technology for navigation. The module provides continuous positioning for vehicles in urban environments and during complete signal loss (e.g. short tunnels and parking garages). We will quickly get you set up using the Qwiic ecosystem and Arduino so that you can start reading the output!

smôl Header Hookup Guide

Small in size, small on current draw. It's a smôl world! This guide will get you up and running with the smôl Header.

Or check out this blog post.