Comments: Qwiic Keypad Hookup Guide


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  • Member #196818 / about 5 years ago / 2

    I just got the Qwiic Keypad it works great and works great long-distance over Cat5 cable with a pair of Qwiic Differential I2C Bus Extenders (PCA9615) but then I was disappointed that it does not have the traditional Keypad event functions PRESSED, RELEASED AND HELD. Are there any plans to add these functions or suggested work arounds?

    • Hi #818, Released and Held would be awesome features to add! Sorry we don't currently have the capacity to take this on at the moment. But you can get the time since the last button was pressed. I'm not sure what your application is, but maybe knowing this time since last pressed could be useful for adding a little bit of timing to your pass code? Or at least, this could help identify a long (ish) period of time when the user has stopped pressing buttons, and then cause a reset of sorts.

      You can see the example here

      And the specific function in the library here. Note, this is the time since the most recent button was pressed. Although the firmware on the product does actually record every button press in the stack (the past 15 presses) and each timestamp, unfortunately, it doesn't currently support a way to send it to a master.

      Hope this helps and thanks for reaching out! I'd be interested to know more about your application and how release/held would be used!


  • Member #1825505 / last year / 1

    What are the pinouts for the keypad buttons to the circuitboard?

  • fourstix / about 6 years ago / 1

    There is a CircuitPython library now available for the Qwiic Keypad and the Raspberry Pi. The source code, examples, installation information and documentation are available on GitHub.

    • santaimpersonator / about 6 years ago / 1

      Cool, this is awesome! I see you have also created some libraries for other products as well.

      We've been trying to develop a structure for a python library package for all of our I2C products for a few months. I think we did an initial release of the library recently, if you want to check that out. We are still working on adding more products to the library. I'll pass on the information about your libraries, who knows... maybe, we will fork your libraries and modify them to work with our package (gestures... the Fonz).

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