Nuclear Battery Assembly Guide
Nick Poole
Resources and Going Further
For more information, check out these pages:
- GitHub
- Hackaday: Make Your Own Nuclear Batteries
- City Labs: Nuclear Batteries
- YouTube: NurdRage - Make a Tritium Nuclear Battery or Radioisotope Photovoltaic Generator
- A Blog to Watch: A Unique Look Into How Glow-In-The-Dark Tritium Gas Tubes Are Made At MB-MICROTEC
If you ever find yourself looking for a little more power, take a look at these tutorials and hookup guides:
LTC4150 Coulomb Counter Hookup Guide
A "Coulomb Counter" is like a gas gauge for your battery. Here's how to use it.
Beefcake Relay Control Hookup Guide
This is a guide for assembling and basic use of the Beefcake Relay Control board
Understanding Thermal Resistance
Discussing what thermal resistance is, how it’s used for thermal management, and how to maximize the life of your project.
Or if you want to learn more about radioactivity, feel free to take a look at these blog posts: