nRF24L01+ Transceiver Hookup Guide

Contributors: Toni_K
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Hardware Overview

Antenna Options

SparkFun carries two versions of the breakout, listed below.

On-Board Chip Antenna

On-board Antenna

The first version is the SparkFun Transceiver Breakout - nRF24L01+ with chip antenna. The on-board chip antenna allows for a more compact version of the breakout. However, the smaller antenna also means a lower transmission range. Keep that in mind if you plan on mounting this board in an enclosure. The enclosure material may also decrease the range of this board, as you cannot move the antenna outside of any interference. This antenna should be suitable for most applications.


RP-SMA Antenna

If you need more range in your wireless connection or if you need to move your antenna outside an interference zone, we recommend the RP-SMA antenna version of the breakout. You can learn more about SMA connectors here. This version works with the RP-SMA 2.4GHz antenna and its larger counterpart. Because of the external antenna on this version of the breakout, it has a greater range than the on-board antenna version.

2.4GHz Duck Antenna RP-SMA


2.4GHz Duck Antenna RP-SMA - Large



Labeled Pins

Broken out pins with labels

While the nRF24L01+ IC has 20 pins available, our breakout board simplifies this down to the 8 pins required to get up and running. These pins are the same on both versions of the board. The pins function as follows:

  • GND - Ground
  • IRQ - Interrupt pin. This pin is active LOW.
  • MISO - 3.3V-5V tolerant SPI slave output.
  • MOSI - 3.3V-5V tolerant SPI slave input.
  • SCK - 3.3V-5V tolerant SPI clock.
  • CSN - 3.3V-5V tolerant SPI chip select.
  • CE - 3.3V-5V tolerant chip enable. This pin toggles the nRF24L01+ IC between transmit (TX), receive (RX), standby, and power-down mode.
  • VCC - This is VRAW and is regulated on-board down to 3.3V for the proper functionality of the nRF24L01+. Voltage range on this pin is 3.3V-7V.


Transmission Mode

The IC can either work in transmit or receive mode. This mode is determined by both the CE pin state, the PWR_UP register, and the PRIM_RX register. The following chart shows the various configurations.

Transmission Mode Truth Table
ModePWR_UP RegisterPRIM_RX RegisterCE PinFIFO State
RX Mode111-
TX Mode101Data in TX FIFOs. Will empty all levels in TX FIFOs
TX Mode10Minimum 10μs high pulseData in TX FIFOs.Will empty one level in TX FIFOs.
Standby-II101TX FIFO empty.
Standby-I1-0No ongoing packet transmission.
Power Down0---