MCP4725 Digital to Analog Converter Hookup Guide

Contributors: Joel_E_B
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To DAC, or Not to DAC...

When learning about the world of microcontrollers, you will come across analog-to-digital converters quite frequently. These allows us to read in signals from analog sensors and convert them into a digital language our microcontrollers and other computational devices can understand. However, what if you need to do the opposite? What if you need your Arduino to speak the language of analog signals? Enter the MCP4725 Digital-toAnalog Converter Breakout.

SparkFun I2C DAC Breakout - MCP4725


This tiny IC allows you to do just that. By using the Arduino's I2C lines, you can create a wide variety of analog waveforms on the other end.

Covered in This Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will overview the breakout and discuss additional hardware details. Then an assembly section will discuss how to connect this breakout to a microcontroller. Last, the firmware will be broken down to help you understand how the digital to analog conversion happens.

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