LilyPad Tri-Color LED Hookup Guide

Contributors: Gella
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Attaching to a LilyPad Arduino

To follow along with the code examples in this tutorial, connect the tri-color LED to a LilyPad Arduino as shown below. Use alligator clips to temporarily connect the R (Red) tab on the LED to 11, G (Green) to 9, B (Blue) to 10, and (+) to (+). When you are finished prototyping, replace the alligator clips with conductive thread traces for permanent installation in your project.

The numbered labels next to the R, G, and B tabs on the tri-color LED were originally made for the LED's use on the LilyPad Development Board. To make our diagrams easier to follow, and to avoid any potential short circuits in our stitching, we've chosen different tabs than the labels to connect to in the following code examples.

Note: To follow along with the Custom Color Mixing example code, you will need to attach the R, G, and B tabs to a sew tabs on the LilyPad with PWM capabilities.

Attaching the Tri-Color LED to a LilyPad Arduino USB

Additional Board Hookup

If you'd like to use the tri-color LED with the LilyPad ProtoSnap Plus, attach the R, G, and B tabs to the ProtoSnap's expansion ports. Only port 10 has PWM capabilities, so you will not be able to follow along with the Custom Color Mixing example unless you snap the ProtoSnap Plus apart and connect the tri-color LED directly to tabs on the LilyPad USB Plus.

If using the the pre-wired tri-color LED on the ProtoSnap - LilyPad Development Board, the connection is different than what was explained earlier. R is attached to 9, G is attached to 11, and B is attached to 10. We recommend checking out the LilyPad Development Board Activity Guide for step-by-step examples using this LED.