Comments: LilyPad Basics: E-Sewing

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  • Member #913407 / about 7 years ago / 1

    Can you just clearly state that these are or aren't sewing machine compatible? I use embroidery machines for doing my thread layouts and if this is just an arts & crafts filament product as opposed to a functional thread I'd like to know.

    • This tutorial was created to go with our hand-sewn project kits, but I'll update the tutorial to reflect sewing machine considerations and possibly do a dedicated tutorial on those techniques. Like any thread, they technically can go in a sewing machine but can have varying degrees of success depending on your machine and tension settings. The bobbin that the thread comes on is not compatible with every machine, but can be rewound on other bobbins. I recommend using it in the bobbin to begin with.

      Here are some resources on machine sewing with conductive thread:

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