Interactive LED Music Visualizer

Contributors: Michael Bartlett
Favorited Favorite 28

Resources and Going Further

To see all the code used int his project, visit the GitHub repository.

Need more inspiration? Check out these other SparkFun tutorials:

MP3 Player Shield Music Box

Music Box Project based on the Dr. Who TARDIS.

Rotary Switch Potentiometer Hookup Guide

How to use the Rotary Switch Potentiometer breakout board, with some sample applications.

TeensyView Hookup Guide

A guide to using the TeensyView OLED board to display text and graphics.

Build a Qwiic Jukebox that is Toddler Approved!

Follow this tutorial to build your own custom jukebox. Note, this is designed simple and tough for use primarily with toddlers. It's also a great introduction to SparkFun's Qwiic products!