Comments: I2S Audio Breakout Hookup Guide

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  • Member #1523 / about 2 years ago / 1

    Not seeing Raspberry Pi Zero 2W / 4 / Pico examples for your I2S products

  • erff / about 4 years ago / 1

    What is the current when the shutdown pin is used?

  • Member #1534827 / about 6 years ago * / 1

    Great write up, I had no trouble assembling the circuit or running the example code.

    I am having problems reformatting the audio into C-Arrays. The PlayWAVFromPROGMEM arduino example stores the PCM as unsigned chars (I believe this applies to all example sketches). Since there are no explicit instructions for file conversion in the repo or readme, I exported the audio as a .wav (Microsoft header/encoded signed 16-bit PCM) and then copied the data with a hex editor as a char array.

    I have been unsuccessful in playing anything other than silence or static.

    Serial Output: | AudioGeneratorWAV::ReadWAVInfo: cannot read WAV, invalid RIFF header, got: D5D5D5D5 | AudioGeneratorWAV::begin: failed during ReadWAVInfo

    Please add specifications for compatible C-Array output or instructions on generating compatible audio.

    • santaimpersonator / about 6 years ago / 1

      Hi there, it sounds like you are looking for technical assistance. Please use the link in the banner above, to get started with posting a topic in our forums. Our technical support team will do their best to assist you.

      That being said, I am a little confused about what you are trying to do. If I am following the tutorial correctly, the files are saved on the SD card that is inserted into the ESP32 motion shield. I am pretty sure in the example code, you can see it directing the microcontroller to the file path of the SD card when this function is called: new AudioFileSourceSD("/TRACK0.mp3"). Otherwise, if you are doing something entirely different than the example and might need to reach out on the ESP8266 Audio Arduino Library for help on that specific issue (???).

If you've found an issue with this tutorial content, please send us your feedback!