This Tutorial is Retired!
This tutorial covers concepts or technologies that are no longer current. It's still here for you to read and enjoy, but may not be as useful as our newest tutorials.
Blink and Annoy
Now that you've got your programmer setup and working we can load fun new code onto the H2OhNo!.
Basic Blink Firmware
Basic Blink demonstrates how to blink the LED and make some noise. It's a great starting point. Copy and paste this code into the Arduino IDE, and reprogram your ATtiny.
//Pin definitions for ATtiny const byte buzzer1 = 0; const byte buzzer2 = 1; const byte statLED = 4; void setup() { pinMode(buzzer1, OUTPUT); pinMode(buzzer2, OUTPUT); pinMode(statLED, OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(statLED, HIGH); alarmSound(); delay(1000); digitalWrite(statLED, LOW); alarmSound(); delay(1000); } //This is just a unique (annoying) sound we came up with, there is no magic to it //Comes from the Simon Says game/kit actually: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10547 //250us to 79us void alarmSound(void) { // Toggle the buzzer at various speeds for (byte x = 250 ; x > 70 ; x--) { for (byte y = 0 ; y < 3 ; y++) { digitalWrite(buzzer2, HIGH); digitalWrite(buzzer1, LOW); delayMicroseconds(x); digitalWrite(buzzer2, LOW); digitalWrite(buzzer1, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(x); } } }
Original H2OhNo! Firmware
If you're reprogramming the ATtiny you may want to get back to the original code that shipped with the kit. Grab the latest code by going to the H2OhNo! github repo. Click 'raw', then copy and paste the code into Arduino.
Annoy-A-Tron Firmware
We know you will eventually come across the idea of an Annoy-a-tron. The original Annoy-A-Tron was created by Think Geek, and everyone knows how annoying a low-battery beep of a fire alarm can be. This is a very basic Annoy-A-Tron example that will beep every 5 minutes. We intentionally didn't build in low-power control so that if you happen to use this code you will only annoy your enemy for a few hours before the coin cell battery gives out.
//Pin definitions for ATtiny const byte buzzer1 = 0; const byte buzzer2 = 1; void setup() { pinMode(buzzer1, OUTPUT); pinMode(buzzer2, OUTPUT); } void loop() { alarmSound(); delay((long)1000 * 60 * 5); //5 minute delay } //This is just a unique (annoying) sound we came up with, there is no magic to it //Comes from the Simon Says game/kit actually: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10547 //250us to 79us void alarmSound(void) { // Toggle the buzzer at various speeds for (byte x = 250 ; x > 70 ; x--) { //for (byte y = 0 ; y < 3 ; y++) for (byte y = 0 ; y < 1 ; y++) //Slightly modified to be a shorter beep { digitalWrite(buzzer2, HIGH); digitalWrite(buzzer1, LOW); delayMicroseconds(x); digitalWrite(buzzer2, LOW); digitalWrite(buzzer1, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(x); } } }
Creating projects to prank people is a fantastic way to learn electronics! Annoying them with incessant beeping is an ok start, but consider getting a lot more creative with your pranks.