Comments: Galileo Experiment Guide

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  • Member #597248 / about 10 years ago / 2

    Thank you so much for sharing this Galileo tutorial. I've been a bit apprehensive since mine arrived on Tuesday due to a lack of support resources such as this.

    • Thanks! Great to hear the tutorials are helpful. :D

      We are constantly trying to improve our tutorials, so if you have any feedback on the Galileo tutorials, please feel free to share. For example: Are the Hook-up tables useful (as a second resource) if we also have the Fritzing diagram?

  • Member #282738 / about 9 years ago * / 1

    Great tutorial. Here is an example of going beyond using the Galileo as an expensive Arduino. You can use your temperature circuit and also use python to read a sensor.

    Assuming you have downloaded the ELibC image:

    Then you can do the following to read a TMP36 sensor with python.

    -Install MRAA

    opkg update 
    opkg install mraa

    -Install Python EZ Setup

    curl -o
    python --insecure

    -Install PIP

    curl -o pip-8.0.2.tar.gz
    tar -zxvf pip-8.0.2.tar.gz
    cd pip-8.0.2
    python build install

    -Install PrettyTable

    pip install PrettyTable


    curl -o
    chmod 755

    -Read the temperature

     root@galileo:~# ./ 1 --temp --count 1
     |         Data Type         |        Value        | 
     |      Raw MRAA Reading     |         660         |
     |     MRAA Voltage Calc     |        0.806        |
     |  sys/bus/iio Raw Reading  |         660         |
     |     /sys/bus/iio scale    |        1.2207       |
     | sys/bus/iio Voltage Calc  |        0.806        |
     |          Celsius          |        30.59        |
     |         Fahrenheit        |        87.05        |
     |            Time           | 2016/02/18 05:49:17 |

  • Member #602487 / about 10 years ago / 1

    Hi, I've followed along with the SIK Guide and this tutorial and the circuit doesnt seem to work for me unless i remove the wire j to negative terminal. As soon as I plug that one in it stops working.

    • Hi there! I recommend first, checking your connections, the LED polarity, and resistor values. Then, going into the code. Go ahead and find the following code from the circuit 6 example code:

      manualTune(); // manually change the range from light to dark

      //autoTune(); // have the Arduino do the work for us!

      You are going to want to comment the manualTune(); and uncomment autoTune(); It will look like the following:

      //manualTune(); // manually change the range from light to dark

      autoTune(); // have the Arduino do the work for us!

      Please upload. The LED will change to be lighter and dimmer base on the amount of light the photoresistor is exposed to. (I recommend testing with moving your hand on top of your photoresistor and then away from the photoresistor.) In the code you can also change the range manually.

      Hope that helps! Please comment if you still aren't seeing a change.

    • Hi! I can help you. Which circuit number are you needing help with?

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