Comments: ESP32 Environment Sensor Shield Hookup Guide


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  • phekno / about 8 years ago / 2

    So, I've got it hooked up, and have run in to a couple issues, but they're fixed...

    First, the WiFi library doesn't like it if the ssid is a 'const char*'. I had to remove the "const" keyword, and got it to compile a bit further.

    Second, make sure you're using the most recent Sparkfun BME280 library. The one from the Arduino board manager is old and is missing a fix for some ESP32 specific SPI stuff.

  • Member #1492654 / about 6 years ago / 1

    You describe to put "off-board Sensors", like soil moisture on pins 25 or 13. These pins are ADC2 pins. The ESP32 documentation describe these pins as in use by the Wifi driver. In this case, these pins just work for measuring while the wifi driver is switched off.

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