Comments: AST-CAN485 Hookup Guide
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We welcome your comments and suggestions below. However, if you are looking for solutions to technical questions please see our Technical Assistance page.
ON AST-CAN485, how do I check whether there is a message already received in the buffers/MOBs? The example code's shows how to receive the message, and it waits for a message to come in. In my application I'd like to check whether there is a message, process it if there is one, and perform other tasks if there is none, then loop.
I installed board and libraries as per the guide on macos and windows. But both give me this following error message when trying to compile.
What am I doing wrong?
I was getting these same errors with two of these setup one as CAN transmitter, one as CAN receiver. On the receiver in void setup i entered pinMode(13, OUTPUT); to use the onboard LED to indicate it saw a change in a CAN packet byte. I think the problem was this is SCK, serial clock, pin also. Once I uploaded the program i wouldn't be able to load another program to it until i reburned the bootloader to the board with an Arduino. Arduino IDE would just give me content mismatch and say board is not connected.
Hi, I know this is an old topic but could you please leave me some information about this procedure?
How can I use the AST CAN as receiver and transmitter in one. I have to send messages in a CAN Network, but also have to answer.
this is kind of a crude way to do it but I put this program on both can485 boards. the only difference is the message ID between the two. Each one is getting a pushbutton input to pin 2 that can turn on output pin 5 on the other board
the software installation does not work,
the board manager url does not exist:
Sorry about that, we had to work with AST to turn it on certain repositories. It is live now. =)
Some of the links were broken when we made the repos public. The team at Sparkfun should have everything updated asap. Here are the working URLs so long:
CAN485 repo
Board manager package index
the links you provided for schematic and datasheet are "dead": --> -->
the referring github repo seems to be empty: -->
Sorry about that, we had to work with AST to turn it on certain repositories. It is live now. =)
remove admin
it's here