APDS-9301 Sensor Hookup Guide
Resources and Going Further
Now that you've successfully got your APDS-9301 sensor up and running, it's time to incorporate it into your own project!
For more information on the APDS-9301 sensor, check out the resources below:
- Wikipedia: Lux - To help you better understand what it is you're measuring, exactly.
- APDS-9301 Breakout Schematic (PDF)
- APDS-9301 Breakout Eagle Files (ZIP)
- APDS-9301 Datasheet (AV02-2315EN0.PDF) - If you want to move beyond the limits of the library and explore the base features of the chip itself.
- APDS-9301 Sensor GitHub Repository - Eagle files and example code for the APDS-9301 Sensor.
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