Comments: Wake-on-Shake Hookup Guide

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    Configuring the Wake on Shake

    To configure the settings of the Wake on Shake, you must power the Wake on Shake with a LiPo or some other power source. A 3.3V FTDI connected will not provide power because the 3.3V pin is not connected. The engineer that designed it this way so that two power sources would not conflict with each other. Your serial terminal output will constantly look like this if you do not power it sufficiently:


    After powering the Wake on Shake and connecting it to your computer's serial terminal at 9600, 8-none-1-none, it will be actively listening for commands to change the settings. Just start typing the commands and values to configure the settings.

    For example, if you are changing the threshold value as stated in the tutorial, you would start typing "t10010" and hit the enter button (essentially the carriage return or line feed) on the keyboard. Once the Wake on Shake receives the commands, it will return with the happy face:


    If the command is not properly sent to the Wake on Shake, it will not respond too well and output an unhappy face:


    After a certain period of time, the microcontroller will go back to sleep and respond with this character output:


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