T5403 Barometric Pressure Sensor Hookup Guide

Contributors: CaseyTheRobot
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Connecting the Hardware

In this example, we will communicate with the T5403 using the I2C interface. While there are connections for SPI, they are currently unsupported.

Connection Names

The T5403 Breakout Board breaks out eight connections from the IC. We traditionally call these connections "pins" because they come from the pins on the IC, but they are actually holes that you can solder wires or header pins to.

T5403 breakout board

We'll connect four of the eight pins on the board to your Arduino. The four pins you need are labeled GND, VCC, SCL, and SDA.

Connecting Headers to the Board

You can use any method you like to make your connections to the board. For this example, we'll solder on a eight-pin length of male-male header strip, and use male-female jumper wires to connect the T5403 to your Arduino.

Solder a 8-pin length of male-male header to the board. You can solder it to either side. The bottom is more useful for breadboards, and the top is more useful for jumper wires.

T5403 Sensor with Headers

Note that the T5403 is sensitive to moisture. When you're done soldering, do not clean off the flux by rinsing the board in water or other fluids.

Connecting the Board to your Arduino

When you're done soldering, connect the VCC, GND, SCL, and SDA pins to your Arduino. Different Arduino models use different pins for the I2C interface; use the following chart to determine where to plug everything in.

IMPORTANT: Connect the power pins (VCC and GND) ONLY to a 3.3V supply. Larger voltages will permanently damage the part. Note that because I2C uses open drain drivers, it is safe to connect the I2C pins (DA and CL) to an I2C port on a 5V microprocessor.

T5403 label Pin function Arduino connection
GND ground GND
VCC 3.3V power supply 3.3V
SDA I2C data Any pin labeled SDA, or:
Uno, Redboard, Pro / Pro Mini A4
Mega, Due 20
Leonardo, Pro Micro 2
SCL I2C clock Any pin labeled SCL, or:
Uno, Redboard, Pro / Pro Mini A5
Mega, Due 21
Leonardo, Pro Micro 3
MISO Unsupported Unsupported
Reset/&SS Device Reset Any I/O - Logic "LOW" to reset
SEL I2C/SPI mode select Any I/O - Logic "LOW" for SPI mode (Unsupported)
EOC End Of Conversion Interrupt Any I/O or interrupt enabled pin - Outputs "HIGH" when measurement is complete

T5403 Frtizing Diagram

Once you have the T5403 connected to your Arduino, we're ready to play with the software.