SparkFun Qwiic Button Hookup Guide
El Duderino
Resources and Going Further
For more information, check out the resources below:
- Schematic (PDF)
- Eagle Files (ZIP)
- Board Dimensions (PNG)
- Qwiic Button Arduino Library
- Qwiic Button Python Package
- GitHub Hardware Repo
- SFE Product Showcase
Need help getting started with Arduino and I2C? Check out these resources:
- Arduino I2C Scanner Example
- Arduino Wire Library Reference Page
- Arduino Wire Library (In-Depth) Reference
Looking for some inspiration for a project using the Qwiic Button? Check out this GPS Geo-Mapping project by Brandon J. Williams.
Before you go, here are some other tutorials using the Qwiic Connect System you may want to look through:
Qwiic VR IMU (BNO080) Hookup Guide
Figure out how things are oriented with the robust 9 degrees of freedom (DOF) BNO080 IMU. Maybe even make your own virtual reality (VR) applications if you're feeling savvy.
Qwiic MultiPort Hookup Guide
The SparkFun Qwiic MultiPort adds additional ports to boards that have only one Qwiic port on their I2C bus. Once added, you can use it as a hub to add as many I2C devices to the bus as you need! You can also use the board as an alternative to a daisy chained configuration.