Comments: SparkFun Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Monitor Hookup Guide
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Hi the code in examples on the page: Example 1:Config BPM Mode 1 SparkFun_Bio_Sensor_Hub bioHub(DEF_ADDR, resPin, mfioPin);
Doesn't match the call in github library to the driver SparkFun_Bio_Sensor_Hub::SparkFun_Bio_Sensor_Hub(uint16_t resetPin, uint16_t mfioPin, uint8_t address) {
Couldn't get anything to work until I changed example to SparkFun_Bio_Sensor_Hub bioHub(resPin, mfioPin);
The examples in github are correct
I just saw the comment when checking a spec in the tutorial. Sorry about the confusion. I think the library was updated after this tutorial was written. I have edited example 1 where it says:
to the following:
The example assumes that you are using the default address (it seems that there is only one address based on the comment in the example code) so the examples excluded it from the code.
I noticed that the data sheet for the MAX32664 has absolute maximum ratings for SCL SDA RESET and MFIO of VDD+0.3V. On this board the MAX32664 is powered from 1.8V but the Host I2C lines are pulled up to 3.3V, Why is this ok? Presumably, RESET and MFIO are also seeing 3.3V levels as well.
VDD is rated up to 3.63 V, and while it is being powered at 1.8V, the pins are 3.3V tolerant. Which is why this is ok. I hope that helps.
I seen nothing in the data sheet to support that assertion, I hope you are correct.
Unable to communication with the MAX32664 using SparcFun Pulse Oximiter Board with Red Board. Running Arduino 2.3.2 with master branch of SparkFun_Bio_Sensor_Hub_Library ( In the src folder of the library, I see the I2C address is set in MAX30105.h and is incorrect: 0x57 rather than 0x55. Yet, even with that corrected, the MAX32664 is unresponsive because the command sequence is not correct. On startup of the example program, I decode on I2C: 0xAA, 0xFF (and no index byte) followed by a read request. That command sequence cannot work because the index byte is missing.
What am I missing here? Is the repo in disrepair? Do I need to use a branch of the repo other than master?
Problem Solved -- wrong library. I seem to have picked up the library targeted to the max30102. Need the Bio Sensor Hub Library.
Hi, I am trying to run this library on stm32duino for the blue pill, but it has problems, can you help me?
Hi, I am trying to use MAX32664 to interface with MAX30102 instead. However, using the provided Sparkfun _Bio_Sensor_Hub, I am unable to retrieve any data from it. However, I am able to interface with MAX32664. Even though the library is catered for MAX30101 sensor. I would like some assistance in interfacing MAX30102 with MAX32664 while using the same library. Your help is much appreciated.
Hi Sparkfun Team,
I noticed that the documentation introduces contradictory information regarding the relationship between the possible value of sample and pulse width. Comments in the example code and BioHub library suggest there is a configuration that will allow 3200 samples per second (sps). However, the highest sample value I could achieve was 1600 with a pulse width of 69. Can you clarify if it is possible to achieve 3200 sps on this system?
Apologies for the confusion. Looking at page 24 the datasheet for the 30101, it's clear that 3200 samples can only be attained at a pulse width of 69 in heart rate mode i.e. not sampling for blood oxygen. 1600 is the highest obtainable sample rate while sampling blood oxygen. Can you point me to the confusing text?
Hi, Thank you for this very helpful library and clear examples! However, as a beginner in arduino i still have trouble to understand exactly the code behind, that is how you obtain the oxygen level for example. Did you realize a calibration step? And do you have a file explaining a bit the theory behind the code? Thank you in advance :)
Sorry for the late reply. This product has a lot going on. The library communicates with the MAX32664 which is itself a small microncontroller that handles the various settings for the MAX3101, pulse width, sample rate, LED brightness etc, and also calculates the information coming back. The Arduino library doesn't do any of it, it simply asks for the already calculated biometrics. We do sell the MAX3101 as a breakout on its own and that has a library that may be of interest to you:
I am trying to get example 1 to work with a Arduino Nano 33 BLE sense with Nordic nRF52840 architecture. I have used a solder and checked and rechecked all my joints. When I run the example, it compiles, and gives no errors at any point, but outputs 0 for every metric. Is this architecture not supported, if so, would I need to port the library to fit the nRF52840 architecture in order to make this hardware work?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi! I need pure PPG signal, but there is no way I can get it. Can you help me?
Hey, have you figured it out? I need the raw PPG signal too.
Can this work on raspberry pi 4? and if yes can I make it work using python?
Hello, I am trying to use this sensor on Arduino Nano Every. But i am getting this error
Could not communicate with the sensor!!! Configuring Sensor.... Error configuring sensor. Error: 1
The reset pin and Mfio pin are connected to pin 4 and 5 respectively. I am using the latest version of the library. Could you atleast hint what could be the problem?
I'm not sure if you have resolved your issue yet. I just saw this comment when looking up a spec.
I have not used the Arduino Nano Every before. A few things come to mind when troubleshooting based on your brief explanation:
Other than that, I recommend posting in the SparkFun Forums for further assistance if you have not already.