Simon Says Experiments

Contributors: QCPete, bboyho
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Uploading to Simon Says

Now that you've got your hardware setup, it's time to go back to the Arduino software and re-program your Simon Says Board. Before we can start re-programming there are just a couple settings we need to change in the software.

Board Selection

First, click "Tools" from the menu at the top of the window. Then follow the options to select Tools>Board>LilyPad Arduino w/ ATMega328. This is so that the Arduino program knows that it's talking to a Simon Says board (the Simon Says board and this LilyPad have the same chip).

COM Port Selection

Next, we need to tell Arduino which COM PORT we are going to use. (This is the communication channel that your FTDI breakout board is talking on). To do this, click Tools>Serial Port>COM4.


Make sure your Simon Says board's "Power" switch is flipped to the ON position with batteries.

Upload Button

As shown in the hardware assembly, hold your FTDI in place with the headers touching the plated through holes during upload and click on the “upload button” using any of the example codes provided in this tutorial. The upload button is the circular button at the top of the window with an arrow to the right. As long as there is sufficient contact between the header pins and the plated through holes, the compiled example code will be able to upload to the Simon Says board.