Real Time Clock Module - RV-8803 (Qwiic) Hookup Guide a tutorial

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The Real Time Clock Module - RV-8803 (Qwiic) is a Qwiic-enabled breakout board for the RV-8803 RTC module. The RV-8803 boasts some impressive features including a temperature compensated crystal, extremely precise time-keeping, low power consumption, time stamp event input along with a user-programmable timing offset value. It even has a programmable Clock Output to control precise timing for peripheral devices. The RV-8803 also has an improved I2C interface compared to the RV-1805 RTC that removes the need to sequence commands/writes to the device. This is particularly helpful if you are not using our Arduino Library to control the RTC.

SparkFun Real Time Clock Module - RV-8803 (Qwiic)


In this hookup guide we will go over the unique features of the RV-8803 along with some Arduino examples demonstrating how to use those features. By the end of this tutorial you will have your Real Time Clock Module - RV-8803 (Qwiic) configured and tick-tocking away (well, ticking, maybe not tocking) for your next time-keeping project!

Required Materials

To follow along with this guide you will need a microcontroller to configure and communicate with the RTC Module breakout. Below are a few options that come Qwiic-enabled out of the box:

SparkFun RedBoard Qwiic


SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32 WROOM (Micro-B)


SparkFun Qwiic Pro Micro - USB-C (ATmega32U4)


SparkFun RedBoard Artemis


If your chosen microcontroller is not already Qwiic-enabled, you can add that functionality with one or more of the following items:

SparkFun Qwiic Cable Kit


SparkFun Qwiic Adapter


SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Arduino


SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Arduino Nano


You will also want at least one Qwiic cable to connect your RTC to your microcontroller.

Qwiic Cable - 100mm


Qwiic Cable - 50mm


Qwiic Cable - 200mm


Qwiic Cable - 500mm


Some of the examples demonstrate how to use more than just the I2C pins. If you want to follow along with them you will need to solder to the EVI, INT, CLKOUT and CLKOE pins broken out on the board. Click the button below to see some recommended soldering tools and materials if you need them.

Finally, if you want to fine tune the RV-8803's oscillator for extremely precise time keeping you will need to use an oscilloscope or logic analyzer to calibrate it. Click the button below to see some options for oscilloscopes and logic analyzers if you need one.

Suggested Reading

If you aren't familiar with the Qwiic system, we recommend reading here for an overview:

Qwiic Connect System
Qwiic Connect System

We also recommend taking a look at the hookup guides for the Qwiic Shields listed above if you plan on using one of them. Brushing up on your skills in I2C is also recommended as all Qwiic sensors communicate via I2C.


An introduction to I2C, one of the main embedded communications protocols in use today.

Qwiic Shield for Arduino & Photon Hookup Guide

Get started with our Qwiic ecosystem with the Qwiic shield for Arduino or Photon.

SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Arduino Nano Hookup Guide

Hookup Guide for the SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Arduino Nano.

SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Thing Plus Hookup Guide

A short guide for assembling and using the SparkFun Qwiic Shield for Thing Plus.

Hardware Overview

The heart of this breakout is the RV-8803 Real Time Clock module from Micro Crystal. In this section we'll cover most of the features and characteristics of the RV-8803 and this breakout but if you are looking for a more thorough synopsis of the RV-8803, take a look through the Application Manual . The table below lists some of the operating characteristics of the RV-8803.

Operating Voltage Range1.5V - 5.5V
Time Accuracy (Temp. Compensated -40° to +85°C) +/-3 ppm
Time Accuracy (Temp. Compensated +85° to +105°C) +/-7 ppm
Current Consumption240 nA (Typ.) to 350 nA
I2C Address0x64


There are two primary ways to power the SparkFun Real Time Clock Module - RV-8803 (Qwiic). The best and easiest way is through the Qwiic Connectors on either side of the board. When used with any of our Qwiic-enabled boards or our Qwiic Shields, this voltage will be 3.3V. The other power input is the 3.3V pin broken out. The board also includes a 3V 47mAh battery in the 12mm coin cell battery holder on the back for backup power.

Photo highlighting battery holder and power pins.

Heads up! While the RV-8803 can accept an input voltage between 1.5-5.5V, the Qwiic system operates at 3.3V so it is recommended to power the RTC with 3.3V or lower, especially if you are using it with other Qwiic devices.

Qwiic and I2C Interface

The easiest way to use the Real Time Clock Module - RV-8803 (Qwiic) is with the Qwiic connect system. Just connect the board using a Qwiic Cable to your microcontroller to start talking to it. Alternatively, you can solder to the I2C pins broken out on the board. The 7-bit I2C unshifted address is 0x32 (0110010b). This is a hardware set address and there are no alternate peripheral addresses for the RV-8803. If you need multiple RTC's on a single I2C bus you will need to use a multiplexer or mux like the Qwiic Mux Breakout - 8 Channel.

Photo highlighting Qwiic connector and SDA and SCL pins.

Pin Descriptions

While the Qwiic interface is the easiest and fastest way to start using your RTC, there are several other pins for extra functionality broken out. You will need to either solder to these pins to make use of them or you can create a temporary connection using something like these IC Hooks. The table below outlines all of the pins broken out on the RTC and summarizes their functionality.

Pin LabelPin FunctionInput/OutputFunctionality Notes
GNDGroundInput0V/Common Voltage
3.3VPower SupplyInputPower Supply voltage range is 1.5-3.3V
SDAI2C Data SignalBi-directionalBi-directional data line. Voltage should not exceed power supply (e.g. 3.3V).
SCLI2C Clock SignalInputClock signal. Voltage should not exceed power supply (e.g. 3.3V).
EVIEvent InputInput/OutputExternal event interrupt pin with Time Stamp Function. Active LOW by default. Tied to the button labeled EVI for easy use.
INTInterrupt OutputOutputOpen-drain, active LOW. Used to output Alarm, Periodic Countdown Timer, Periodic Time Update and External Event Interrupt signals. Pulled to 3.3V with 100k resistor.
CLKOUTClock OutputOutputProgrammable square wave output for peripheral devices. Available frequencies are 32.768 kHz (default), 1024 Hz or 1Hz. Set on power-up and controlled by the state of CLKOE pin. When disabled, pin is high impedance.
CLKOEClock Output EnableInputEnables and disables the CLKOUT pin. If HIGH, CLKOUT is enabled and is in output mode. If LOW, CLKOUT is disabled. Pin is pulled to GND by default with a 100k resistor.

Photo Highlighting Pinout and EVI Button
The EVI pin is broken out but also connected to the button highlighted to easily trigger interrupt events like time stamps.


There are two jumpers on the SparkFun Real Time Clock Module - RV-8803 (Qwiic) labeled "I2C" and "LED". The I2C jumper is closed by default and can be opened by severing the trace between the three pads to disconnect the two 4.7k Ohm resistors from the SDA and SCL lines. Open this jumper for if you have many I2C devices on the same bus or to reduce current draw for low-power projects. The LED jumper is closed by default and enables the on board power LED. To open it, simply sever the trace in between the two jumper pads to disconnect the power LED (particularly useful for low-power applications). Note: The power LED is tied to the 3.3V input and is not powered by the backup battery.

Highlighting the I2C jumper Highlighting the LED Jumper
I2C Jumper highlighted LED Jumper Highlighted
Never worked with solder jumpers before or need some tips? Take a look at our How to Work with Jumper Pads and PCB Traces Tutorial.

Board Dimensions

The SparkFun Real Time Clock Module - RV-8803 (Qwiic) is built to the standard 1 x 1" size for Qwiic Breakouts. One thing you may notice is this board's lack of mounting holes. In order to fit the 1 x 1" standard for Qwiic Breakouts, there was no space for mounting holes as the battery holder takes the space normally reserved for those mounting holes.

Qwiic RTC RV-8803

Hardware Assembly

Using the Qwiic system, assembling the hardware is simple. All you need to do is connect your Real Time Clock Module - RV-8803 (Qwiic) to your chosen development board with a Qwiic cable or adapter cable. Otherwise, you can use the I2C pins broken out if you do not have a Qwiic connector on your development board. If you are not using a Qwiic-enabled board, make sure your input voltage and logic are either running at 3.3V or you are running both controller and RTC at the same logic level.

Qwiic RTC connected to the RedBoard Qwiic

In order to use the full functionality of the RV-8803, you will want to solder to the EVI, INT, CLKOUT and CLKOE pins broken out on this board. If you are not familiar with through-hole soldering, take a look at this tutorial:

How to Solder: Through-Hole Soldering

September 19, 2013
This tutorial covers everything you need to know about through-hole soldering.

With everything connected properly, we're ready to move on to uploading a sketch and start keeping track of time!

RV-8803 Arduino Library

Note: This tutorial assumes you are familiar with Arduino products and you are using the latest stable version of the Arduino IDE on your desktop. If this is your first time using the Arduino IDE, please review our tutorial on installing the Arduino IDE. If you have not previously installed an Arduino library, please check out our installation guide.

The easiest way to install the library is to search for SparkFun RV-8803 in the Arduino Library Manager tool. You can also manually install the RV-8803 Library from the GitHub Repository or you can download it by clicking the button below.

Download the SparkFun RV-8803 Library (ZIP)

Library Functions

The list below outlines all of the functions of the library with some quick descriptions of what they do. The examples cover most of the functions so we recommend going through those first.

Device Setup & Settings

Reading from the RTC

Alarm & Interrupt Functionality

Since the RV-8803 has three types of alarms/interrupts, this list is quite extensive so we've split it up into the individual alarm and interrupt functionalities.

External Event Interrupt
Countdown Interrupt
Periodic Interrupt
Alarm Interrupt

Configuring the Clock Out (CLKOUT) pin

These two functions are for enabling and configuring the Clock Out pin. Use these with the setCalibrationOffset(); and getCalibrationOffset(); functions to fine tune your RTC. Refer to Example 6 - Fine Tuning in the next section of this guide for more information.

Extra Functions

Next up we'll go over the examples included with the RV-8803 Arduino Library.

Arduino Examples

Example 1 - Set Time

This example demonstrates how to set the time on the RV-8803 RTC to either the compiler time or a custom time. This is necessary to set the RTC's internal clock to keep time so long as the RTC has power. First, the code initializes the RV-8803 on the I2C bus and verifies the microcontroller can talk to it. Next, it sets the internal clock. Take note of the following bits of code to set the RTC time to either the compiler or a custom time:

When setting a custom time, change these values at the beginning of the sketch:

//The below variables control what the date and time will be set to
int sec = 2;
int minute = 47;
int hour = 14; //Set things in 24 hour mode
int date = 2;
int month = 3;
int year = 2020;
int weekday = 2;

In the setup, this code selects either compiler time or custom time:

if (rtc.setToCompilerTime() == false) {
Serial.println("Something went wrong setting the time");

//Uncomment the below code to set the RTC to your own time
/*if (rtc.setTime(sec, minute, hour, weekday, date, month, year) == false) {
Serial.println("Something went wrong setting the time");

If everything goes correctly here your RTC's internal clock will either be set to the compiler time or your custom time using the variables defined earlier in the sketch. Open the Arduino Serial Monitor, set the baud rate to 115200 and the code will print out over serial whether or not this was successful. If you have never worked with the Arduino Serial Monitor or other serial terminal programs, check out our Serial Terminal Basics tutorial. You can check the accuracy of the time set here by running the second example.

Note: The compiler time is not set every time the code compiles. In order to ensure the proper time is loaded, re-open the IDE and then upload the code. Also note that due to upload times, the compiler time may be off by several seconds/hundredths of seconds. The Set Hundredths examples below can help with more accurate time-keeping.

Example 2 - Print Time

This example shows how to request the time from the RTC after it has been set. The code starts by initializing the RV-8803 on the I2C bus then attempts to to move the values from the RV-8803's time registers to the microcontroller's _time array using the updateTime(); function. If that retrieval is successful, the code prints the time data (date, hour, mins, etc.) over serial. Open up the Serial Monitor and set the baud to 115200 and watch the time fly by, literally!

The code defaults to printing the date in the US format (mm/dd/yyyy) so if you'd like to switch it to the more commonly used dd/mm/yyyy format, adjust this section of the code:

String currentDate = rtc.stringDateUSA(); //Get the current date in mm/dd/yyyy format
//String currentDate = rtc.stringDate()); //Get the current date in dd/mm/yyyy format
Note: If you are modifying or writing your own code remember the updateTime(); function must be called before attempting to read the time from the RV-8803.

Example 3 - Set Hundredths

We have split this example into two "sub-examples" to demonstrate the ways to reset the hundredths register. The hundredths register is read only so we cannot write to it like the other time variables (seconds, minutes, etc.). Instead, we "set" this register by writing to the RESET bit on the RV-8803. This function is covered in more detail in section 4.13 of the RV-8803 Application Note.

Example 3A - Set Hundredths (Software)

This example initializes the RV-8803 and then configures the RTC to reset the hundredths register on a serial prompt to the microcontroller. After uploading the code, open up the serial monitor (with the baud set to 115200 like the previous examples) and send an "r". Your microcontroller will write to the RESET bit on the RV-8803 to "set" the hundredths register to 00. If you want to reset the hundredths register again, simply send another "r" through your serial monitor.

Example 3B - Set Hundredths (Hardware)

This example is near identical to the Software example above but also enables resetting the hundredths register using the RV-8803's EVI pin along with resetting it via serial commands. The EVI pin can be toggled either through the on board button or by controlling the EVI pin with a GPIO pin on your microcontroller (or other external control mechanism). Resetting the hundredths register using the EVI pin is enabled by this line of code:


Enabling this bit tells the RV-8803 to reset the hundredths register when it sees a LOW event on the EVI pin. This event can either be triggered by pressing the button or pulling the EVI pin LOW. The code will print the RV-8803 is ready for a button press or other event on the EVI pin. When that pin is triggered it prints out the the hundredths value pulled from the RV-8803's time register over serial. If you want to verify the register is set, open the serial monitor and toggle the EVI pin and the code should print out: Hundredths set to: 00.

The code also toggles the RESET bit back to 0 so it is ready for another event if you want to set the hundredths register back to 00 again.

Example 4 - Interrupts

Since the RV-8803 has several types of interrupts, we have split the interrupt examples into sub-examples as well. Each one will enable and configure a different interrupt and demonstrate how to use it. To integrate any of these examples to your project, just tie the INT pin to a GPIO on your microcontroller that is usable for external interrupts to trigger whatever behavior you would like when one of these alarms or timers are triggered. If you have never worked with processor interrupts before, we have a tutorial covering how to work with them in Arduino here.

Example 4A - Alarm Interrupt

This example configures the Alarm Interrupt function. The code first defines the variables the RV-8803 will look to match to trigger the Alarm Interrupt and selects which of these variables the RTC will look to match to trigger the alarm. To set it to a different time simply edit these values:

uint8_t minuteAlarmValue = 55; //0-60
uint8_t hourAlarmValue = 0; //0-24
uint8_t weekdayAlarmValue = 0; //0-6
uint8_t dateAlarmValue = 0; //1-31

#define HOUR_ALARM_ENABLE false
#define DATE_ALARM_ENABLE false

Setting the the various Alarm Enable variables (e.g. MINUTE_ALARM_ENABLE) to true will configure the RV-8803 to check to match that variable to trigger an alarm and, as expected, setting it to false prevents the RV-8803 from matching the variable for the alarm interrupt. The example defaults to trigger an alarm every hour when the minutes value reaches 55.

With the variables defined and enabled/disabled, the code initializes the RV-8803, configures it to trigger an alarm and the calls the values for each time variable (minutes, hours, etc.). The main loop checks if the alarm interrupt flag (FLAG_ALARM) has been triggered using the 'getInterruptFlag` function and, if the alarm is triggered, drives the INT pin LOW and prints over serial the alarm has been triggered.

Lastly, it clears the alarm flag to reset the RTC for the next alarm trigger. If you want to clear the entire flag register on an alarm trigger, uncomment this line:


Example 4B - Countdown Interrupt

This example demonstrates how to configure a periodic signal interrupt based on a countdown timer and explains how to calculate the proper values for the countdown timer. The countdown timer values require some math to calculate how many clock ticks (0-4095) we want to count along with the length of those ticks (4096 Hz, 64 Hz, 1 Hz, 1/60 Hz) in order to designate the period of the countdown timer. Click the button below to take a look at the table for more information on how the countdown timer interval is calculated:

After initializing the RV-8803, the example configures a ~3.5 second interrupt. To do this, we first choose 60 Hz as our timer frequency since we want our timer longer than 1 second but still want a small enough time range (or resolution) to easily set the interrupt to fire at 3.5 secs and not 3 or 4 seconds. Next, we'll convert 3.5 seconds to 3500 mS since our resolution @60 Hz is 15.625mS/LSB. Finally, to figure out how many ticks are needed for a 3.5 sec interval, we divide the time we want by the resolution of the clock frequency: 3500 / 15.625 = 224 Clock Ticks. With everything calculated, our code configuring the Countdown Timer Interrupt looks like this:


lastInterruptTime = millis(); //Change millis() to micros() if you end up using the 4096 Hz counter

The loop checks if the countdown interrupt flag (FLAG_TIMER) has been updated using the getInterruptFlag function. If it has, it clears that flag and prints the time between interrupts (in milliseconds) over serial.

Note: If you select the 4096 Hz counter, make sure to switch all calls to the millis function to call the micros function instead.

Example 4C - Periodic Interrupt

The last interrupt example demonstrates how to generate a periodic pulse from the RV-8803. This is very similar to the previous example but instead of setting a custom time between interrupts, we configure the RV-8803 to pulse the interrupt pin every second or every minute using the setPeriodicTimeUpdateFrequency(); function. The code defaults to a 1 second period but you can change to 1 minute by editing this line:

rtc.setPeriodicTimeUpdateFrequency(TIME_UPDATE_1_SECOND); //Can also use TIME_UPDATE_1_MINUTE 

The loop checks if the periodic interrupt flag (FLAG_UPDATE) has been updated using the getInterruptFlag function. If it has, it clears that flag and prints the time between interrupts (in milliseconds) over serial.

Example 5 - Timestamp

This example demonstrates how to get a timestamp of an event generated on the EVI pin either by pressing the button on the RTC or toggling the EVI pin from a microcontroller-generated event. First, just like the other examples, we need to initialize the RV-8803 on the I2C bus. Next, we enable and configure the timestamp function:

rtc.setEVIEventCapture(ENABLE); /
//rtc.setEVIEdgeDetection(RISING_EDGE); // Uncomment to set event detection to button release instead of press

The main loop waits for the FLAG_EVI register to update from an external event on the EVI pin using the getInterruptFlag(); function like the other interrupt examples. If that flag is updated and cleared, we capture the date and time stamp of the interrupt and print that data over serial.

Example 6 - Fine Tuning

In order to follow this example you will need an oscilloscope or logic analyzer. If you have never used either of these tools, take a look at these tutorials to get started:

How to Use an Oscilloscope

February 25, 2014
How to work the dials and buttons on an oscilloscope, and a glossary of the o-scope lexicon.

Using the USB Logic Analyzer with sigrok PulseView

June 25, 2018
A quick primer on using the sigrok signal analysis software with our 8-channel, 24MHz USB logic analyzer.

This last example demonstrates how to calibrate the RV-8803's oscillator using the Clock Output pin. Again, we first initialize the RV-8803 on the I2C bus. Next, we zero out any calibration settings that may be present and set the clock output to a 1 Hz square wave:

rtc.setCalibrationOffset(0); //Zero out any calibration settings we may have
rtc.setPeriodicTimeUpdateFrequency(CLOCK_OUT_FREQUENCY_1_HZ); //Set our clockout to a 1 Hz square wave,
rtc.enableHardwareInterrupt(UPDATE_INTERRUPT); //Enable the interrupt

Next, we'll use our oscilloscope or logic analyzer to look at exactly how precise the 1 HZ square wave is (It could be off by a few microseconds, which can add up over time). In order to do this, you'll need to time the output of the INT pin. Once you have the RTC's output frequency measured carefully, go ahead and replace the "dummy" frequency that we've put in the example by default (1.0000012 Hz) with the one that you've just measured. We then take the difference between this measured frequency and the desired 1 Hz clock signal, and multiply it by 1,000,000 to get the Parts Per Million (PPM) offset that we must give to our oscillator.

float measuredFrequency = 1.0000012; //Measured frequency in Hz (CHANGE THIS TO YOUR MEASURED VALUE)
float newPPM = (measuredFrequency - 1) * 1000000; //Calculate PPM difference between measuredFrequency and our desired 1 Hz wave

Once we've replaced our measuredFrequency, we can uncomment the below line that actually places this new setting into the RTC to change the offset for the crystal. Make sure you don't do this until you've changed your measuredFrequency. From here, you should be able to upload code and see the square wave oscillator closer to a perfect 1 Hz. If not, recomment the below line, upload, and try again.

//rtc.setCalibrationOffset(newPPM); //Uncomment this line after you have changed the value of measuredFrequency to load the new calibration into the RTC


Resources and Going Further

Now that your Real Time Clock Module RV-8803 (Qwiic) is up and keeping track of time it's time to integrate it into your next time-keeping project!

For more information about the Real Time Clock Module RV-8803 Breakout (Qwiic), take a look at the resources below:

Not sure what type of project you can use your RV-8803 in? Take a look at these tutorials for some inspiration for time-keeping projects:

MetaWatch Teardown and Arduino Hookup

Tearing down the nifty Bluetooth-enabled MetaWatch. Then building an Arduino sketch to control it.

Teensy Arduino Shield Adapter Hookup Guide

A basic introduction and assembly guide for the SparkFun Teensy Arduino Shield Adapter.

Qwiic Real Time Clock Module (RV-1805) Hookup Guide

Find out what time it is, even after the power's been out on your project for a while with the Qwiic Real Time Clock (RTC) module.

IoT Power Relay

Using the ESP32 to make a web-configured timed relay.

Or check out some of these blog posts for project ideas:

Enginursday: Battle of the RTC

October 6, 2016

Read Post

Hardware Hump Day: Earth Day Hacking

April 19, 2017

Read Post

DIY Sunrise Alarm

March 26, 2018

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Nixie LED Clock

May 8, 2018

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